what does that even mean? "What does that even mean?" What role does "even" play here? "What does that mean?" Are there any differences between the two?
Apr 11, 2019 4:20 AM
Answers · 4
The word "even" is used for emphasis here, and implies a sarcastic tone. "What does that mean?" is a serious question. When you ask this question, you're saying, "I don't understand what that means, can you explain it?" "What does that even mean?" is usually sarcastic. If you ask this question, you're not really asking the other person what they mean. You're implying that they don't mean anything. You're saying, "What you said is nonsense." In questions, the word "even" often creates a tone of sarcasm (or just doubt or surprise) when used before a verb. For example: "What are you even doing?" (implies: "What you're doing is stupid/pointless/wrong" or "I am completely confused by the thing you're doing.") "Do you even know who he is?" (implies: "You obviously have no idea who he is.") "Are you even listening?" (implies: "I can tell that you are not listening at all.")
April 11, 2019
"What does it mean" is generally just a simple question. "What does it even mean" can be a simple question as well, BUT, it also shows some feeling from the speaker .. perhaps surprise, perhaps disappointment, perhaps frustration. But it may also be statement and not a question. That is, no response is expected. Again, the speaker is indicating with the statement that he is perhaps, surprised, angry, frustrated, etc. It all depends on context.
April 11, 2019
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