What are volume and issue in a journal? thanks
Jul 3, 2019 4:38 AM
Answers · 4
An issue is one publication and a volume is a collection of issues (when we talk about journals) So if a journal came out once 1 month, each monthly edition is an issue. These issues are often collected together into one set or volume. This set or volume may be simply a box containing the issues/publications, or it may be a large book with all the issues included. How many issues a volume contains will vary. Often it is a year's worth if there are many issues in a year. But if issues come out less often, a volume may consist of 2 or more years worth of issues/publications.
July 3, 2019
Thanks Patrick, clear explaination
July 3, 2019
If I understand the question correctly, I believe you're asking about terms that were more so used with printed materials and documents. Example, an encyclopedia would have volumes. That means that the encyclopedia is a set of books and the books are numbered volume 1, volume 2, volume 3 excetera. Issue would refer to either how many times in which a set has been printed or as in comic books an issue could be one comic book within a volume which would be a set or a series then within the medium. I hope this helps.
July 3, 2019
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