肉包铁是什么意思? 我打听一下。肉包铁是什么意思?谢谢你的帮助。
Aug 12, 2019 1:10 AM
Answers · 8
肉包铁 refers to driving a motorcycle because once a crash happened, your body would get hit first rather than your vehicle, so It's yourself who protect the motorcycle instead of the opposite way. 肉 here means the delicate human body while 铁 means the vehicle. 包 here means to cover or protect something. Another phrase comes to mind is 铁包肉 which refers to driving a car. You can acquire the phrase by considering it in another way around.
August 12, 2019
意思是:一个骑摩托车或者自行车的人(并且倾向于不遵守交通规则,有危险驾驶的行为)。 这个词来源于和 “铁包肉” 的对比。 “铁包肉” 意思是:人坐在小汽车里。汽车外壳是铁,在外面,人是血肉之躯,在里面。所以叫“铁包肉”。
August 12, 2019
i have to say that's a very good question.cause I think a lot of people in China maybe don't know what it's very simple.which means "Iron wrapped in meat"for example,you ride a bicycle or motorcycle.and"you(你)"means"meat(肉)","bicycle or motorcycle(自行车或者摩托车)"means"iron(铁)".as we all know bicycles are made of iron,that's“肉包铁”. there is another word called“铁包肉”,for example,you take a train or a plane.this vehicle is wrapped around you,that's“铁包肉”. and last,im sorry to use my embarrassing chinglish to explain it for you.I'm very happy to help you!
August 12, 2019
Thank you so much :)
August 12, 2019
"打听"这个词,用得好啊~ sounds 100% native :)
August 12, 2019
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