What is the correct way to say "more scary"? -Scariest or - Scarier??? Thanks.
Aug 2, 2009 1:47 AM
Answers · 5
Hello Clari, "Scary" is a regular adjective. As a rule all regular adjectives will have the following form of comparative and superlative state: comparative = adjective +ER scary+er = scarier ( modified) superlative= the + adjective + EST the scary +est = the scariest There is a list of irregular adjectives which will have a different irregular form of their comparative and superlative. Check some here:
August 2, 2009
Scary - Positive Scarier - Comparative (Superiority, Synthetic) Scariest - Superlative (Synthehic) More scary is 'comparative' too... So, use 'scarier'.
August 2, 2009
Hi good question :) more scary- would be (scarier) the most scary (scariest) as this is discriptive you can always use this to remember for other words such as (hot,cold,old,new for example;new,newer,newest.
August 2, 2009
girl you are the scariest eheh, sometimes they dont use those forms, i think that you are correct, but, the best way must be ask to a native, a clever one. Adios guapa, cuidate,
August 3, 2009
clari you have and idea on your question given by the two good players here just to give you an example. Boy 1: I watched a movie Dawn of the dead it's scary Boy 2: Really i think The Grudge is scarier than that. Boy 3: I already watched those movies that mention but the scariest movie that i watch is Doll Master.. i suggest "scarier" cowboy...
August 3, 2009
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