THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE,in Italian is? My friend wants to get "The beautiful life" tatoo'ed across her instep(we are talking about her foot)She wants it in Italian.
Aug 28, 2009 2:28 AM
Answers · 4
Hello Aroso, You could say " la dolce vita". It doesn't mean literally the"beautiful " life , it means rather " the good, sweet and pleasant life", but i think it is nice to use that one as an option.
August 28, 2009
Sorry, Aroso. I should have thought more carfeully before randomly give an answer.
August 28, 2009
in italian "la bella vita" refers to your lifestyle, generally it means that you lead the good life or a life of pleasure. "fare la bella vita" to live in a confortable and wealthy way. think about the real meaning of these words.What your friend wants exactly to say with his/her tattoo?
August 28, 2009
The beautiful life=La bella vita
August 28, 2009
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