Eiffel Tower or THE Eiffel Tower? With the article or not? I looked through the examples on the net, but they are all different...
Feb 27, 2020 10:11 AM
Answers · 4
It's the Eiffel Tower : like the Empire State Building or the Burj Khalifa. There are many towers in the world, but only one Eiffel Tower: hence the definite article. Bear in mind that, when it comes to English, the majority of 'examples on the net' are non-native. So, with an area as tricky as articles, many are likely to be wrong. If you happen to find an example without an article which is also correct, this will be because of the grammar of that particular sentence (as in my sentence above!).
February 27, 2020
The Eiffel Tower with the article
February 27, 2020
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