Li Lu
Professional Teacher
What's the difference between "discriminate", "distinguish" and "differentiate"? Situation: when I teach my students two very similar words, can I say: "These two words are very similar. If you really want to strictly [distinguish] them, they are like this: (explanation)..." or if I want to use a noun phrase to describe the process of explaining the difference of the synonyms, can I call it "Synonyms-discrimination"? or other suitable way to call? Thanks. =)
May 7, 2020 2:15 AM
Answers · 12
I think Robert's comment is a valid answer. The words themselves are synonyms of each other and really the difference (for me at least) is usage. I would generally use them personally as so: Distinguish - to tell (identify) one thing from another. "I can't distinguish him from his twin." Discriminate - [modern usage] to prefer/choose one thing over another on subjective grounds. { [Less used meaning nowadays] to make decisions/choices from precise thought/preferences. } "I feel my skills are ignored and they discriminate against me because of my age." [Most common usage] Differentiate - (common mathematical term too) to divide/separate into groups by some (normally stated) parameter, or to tell apart and know why. "I have differentiated the students by age." In one sentence? "I first collect all the applications and differentiate those that are external and internal candidates and then I look to distinguish the better candidates from the poorer candidates and then finally make a shortlist without discriminating against age, sex, race or even college, employment status etc" In your usage examples I would say: "These two words are very similar. If you want to distinguish them from each other (or: to tell them apart) , one means... while the other means...." or one is used when... while the other... "or if I want to use a noun phrase to describe the process of explaining the difference of the synonyms, can I call it "Synonyms-discrimination"?"Hmm not really discrimination. We may talk about "grouping synonyms" perhaps. I presume you mean "these are the synonyms for travel as a verb, this group is a list of synonyms for travel as a noun" etc - is that what you mean?
May 7, 2020
You might check the definition of "distinguish" at The article includes a short synonym discussion about the words distinguish, differentiate and discriminate.
May 7, 2020
What's the difference between "discriminate", "distinguish" and "differentiate"? While discriminate is often used to mean something inappropriate, as Robert describes, actually it just means the ability to tell one from another, be it people, colours, textures, buttons, anything. The ability to discriminate is the ability to tell one from another. Discriminate between options. Distinguish means essentially the same thing. Usually distinguish one from another. Distinguish Coke from Pepsi. Differentiate options. (No "between"). Differentiate can be used as the others, but often also it refers to the ability to do it, or the method of doing so. Either taste or colour allow us to differentiate coke from pepsi. The number of leaves differentiates species A from species B. . "Differentiate" is also used in mathematics, in relation to Calculus and the slopes or rates of change of things. Synonyms-discrimination Yes, sure. I'd have called it "Synonym-discrimination" though. No "s", collective name rather than plural. A technical term in machine learning uses it just this way. The ability to discriminate faces, face discrimination technology.
May 7, 2020
¡Gracias por tu explicación!
June 25, 2020
También podrías denominar a ese proceso: contextualización. Ya que cada palabra depende del contexto. Por ejemplo: Usted -distingue- entre una rosa y un helecho, porque en su experiencia las conoce, las -diferencía- como que unas son flores y las otras son helechos y cuando desea hacer un regalo, podría -discriminar una de la otra, según el interés de la persona que va recibir el regalo. Discriminar podría usarlo según el contexto, de acuerdo al acto de descartar uno en comparación con otro, no siempre es acerca de las razas.
June 25, 2020
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