If I say, I sent an email to him and I put you in CC, is it ok ?
Sep 28, 2009 7:59 PM
Answers · 6
Hi Lisa try it this way: "I sent him an email and cc'd it to you" (like Cherry said, 8 seconds before my answer!)
September 28, 2009
It depends on whether you're speaking or writing. If we're writing we say: 'I sent an email to him and I copied you'. If we're speaking we use CC as a verb and say: 'I sent an email to him and I CCed you.'. Becuase we only use this when we're speaking and not when we're writing it looks wrong to see it written down like this.
September 28, 2009
Hello Lisa_08, It is OK ,if you say it informally . You better say : " I sent him the email and included you in the CC list". " I sent him the email and a copy of it to you" " I sent him the email and cc-ed it to you " That one is totally pseudo and informal ,but could be used in personal letters.
September 28, 2009
simply say "i loop you in the email that i sent him" cowboy...
September 30, 2009
you can also say "I sent an email to him and I copied you in" :)
September 29, 2009
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