Buy myself or Buy for myself? Hello. Today i've faced a phrase i'm not clear in translating into English. The prase is: I definetely like these jeans. When i have enough money, I'll buy them myself. or i'll buy them for myself. when i've started to think, i've found some points that confused me. if i use *i'll buy them myself* it will be the same as *i'll cope with it myself, no need anyone to help me* if i use *i'll buy them for myself* it will mean *particularly for me, not for anyone*. so i've became lost in my thinking and not sure what phrase to use. will you help me?
Mar 9, 2010 11:41 AM
Answers · 4
Hello Magenta, "I'll buy them myself" I will buy them on my own, no one else will purchase them for me. " I'll buy them for myself." I'll buy them for me ,for my own use ... However if you say : " I'll buy myself a pair of jeans." Here it means you will also buy for yourself, for your own use.
March 9, 2010
Hey Magenta, You are correct with both phrases. When you use I will buy them myself, you're just using the word "myself" to emphasize who is buying them. You could have also said "I will buy them". Another example is: "Did you take Robert to the doctor?" "No, he drove himself there." If you're using "for myself", you're just telling the listener/reader who you're doing the action for. Another example would be: He kept all of the money for himself. Hope this helps.
March 9, 2010
The correct sentence structure: I definetly like these jeans! When I have enough money I will buy them for myself. if i use *i'll buy them for myself* it will mean *particularly for me, not for anyone*. Yes you are correct....
March 9, 2010
Hi Magenta. Your understanding of both phrases is correct.
March 9, 2010
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