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How to saya "How much?" in Tagalog? Could anyone can tell me how to say How much is.. in tagalog? Salamat po.
Jul 10, 2010 11:18 AM
Answers · 3
Hello! "How much" in Tagalog is "Magkano". Example sentences: Magkano ang isang kilo ng bigas? (How much is a kilo of rice?) Magkano ang nagastos mo? (How much did you spend?)
July 10, 2010
You don't know how much you mean to me= Di mo alam kung gaano ka kahalaga sa akin How much is this= Magkano ito How much angry at me= Gaano ka kagalit sa akin? How much money do you have= Gaano karami ang pera mo? or Magkano meron ka? (Situational) The former is like insuational and insultive of someone imposing that he has a lot of money.
February 28, 2012
U should ask Mr.Roig and Mr.Romulus but I sometimes refer it and like to surprise my English teacher from there. http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Tagalog_Default_files/Tagalog_for_travelers.htm
July 10, 2010
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