用中文怎么说 "Mort de rire!"? 是不是 "噱死了" ? 万分感谢! xD "Mort de rire" = "lol" xD
Mar 9, 2008 8:13 PM
Answers · 2
So you were asking how to say "lol" in Chinese? When used in Internet chat rooms. We only use "haha" or "哈哈" in Chinese or 哇哈哈哈哈哈!!!= looooooool You can also use "笑死我了" somewhat like "Lmao" or "太搞笑了" literally means "It's so funny".
March 10, 2008
mort de rire 应该是"笑死了"吧...难道 rire 还有"吓"的意思?
March 9, 2008
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