How you ask in Cantonese..."Excuse me, how you say this (pointing at something) in chinese"?..
Nov 22, 2010 10:23 AM
Answers · 6
I think "唔該" fits better in this scene. so the whole sentence would be "唔該,(請問)呢樣(=this)/果樣(=that)嘢(=thing)用中文點講啊?”
November 22, 2010
唔好意思,尼/果 樣野用中文點講呀? Excuse me=唔好意思 pointing at something=尼/果 樣野 how to say this in chinese?=用中文點講呀?
November 22, 2010 kick 廣東話 ,put any word and then kick 即時發音
April 13, 2011
唔該我想問 依樣野中文點講呀
November 27, 2010
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