What does "Let's make it up." mean?
Dec 10, 2010 10:38 PM
Answers · 6
make it up = pretend that something is true
December 11, 2010
Let's make it up. < Let's just pretend - or do something without a plan. (Let's make it up as we go.). Similar: Let's make up. < Let's not figiht anymore and be friends. (Let's kiss and make up.) ~ I wasn't sure which one you meant.
December 12, 2010
i never made up with girls, only made out :P
December 11, 2010
'make up' is often used to mean "to make up a story", i.e. to create a lie....
December 10, 2010
what's the context? IF we see this in english we would say "Make what up"?
December 10, 2010
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