is this sentence negative?—(with his friends,he's generous to a fault.)
Dec 18, 2010 2:48 PM
Answers · 8
I read it as simply meaning "he is extremely generous". I see neither a negative nor positive suggestion, because "to a fault" is an expression of emphasis, much in the same way one could say "he's terribly generous" or "he's awfully generous". Neither of those expressions are negative despite using negative adverbs; they simply emphasise the word "generous". The danger of reading too literally. ;)
December 18, 2010
It just means that he's generous. Nothing less, nothing more.
December 18, 2010
Well it means that he is overly, excessively generous, so much that it is almost a fault or a weakness. So it is negative. If you take it as a weakness, you could use it to express your concern for someone "You are generous to a fault, you'll end up getting hurt one day" (but as you can still, it is still negative).
December 18, 2010
The answer depends on whether you think being generous is a good or bad thing. The statement is positive to me because it means that whoever that statement's about is a very generous person.
December 18, 2010
It is positive, it means that he will give anything that he can to a friend in need. While 'to a fault' does indicate that it is excessive, in practice it is said in a complimentary manner.
December 18, 2010
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