How you can say "I'm good" in Italian?
Jan 20, 2011 11:45 PM
Answers · 14
-- I'm good in Physics -- sono {bravo, forte} in fisica -- where are you good at ? -- in cosa sei bravo ? -- dov'e' il tuo forte ? -- are you good at it ? -- sei capace di farlo ? -- sei ferrato in materia ? (ferrato: do you have 'iron' on the subject) -- I'm good. -- Sono {buono, bravo, capace} (different meanings)
January 21, 2011
If you mean I'm good (= I'm a good person) = Sono buono (male) / buona (female) or sono una persona buona (both). If you mean I'm good in mathematic for example = sono forte in matematica. hope this helps :)
January 20, 2011
"I'm good" in Italian = '' Sto bene ''
January 22, 2011
Hello Meggan, As an answer to 'how are you' ? 'I'm good or I'm fine' it would be: 'sto bene' - come stai? how are you - sto bene I'm good (fine)
January 22, 2011
i'm fine sto benissimo
January 20, 2011
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