what's the difference between SVOO and SVOC?
Mar 21, 2011 12:41 PM
Answers · 5
Grammar books vary in the number of patterns they describe. These patterns describe the elements in a sentence which are compulsory - there can also, of course, be plenty of additional information 1. S.V. (SUBJECT. VERB) 2. S.V.O. (SUBJECT.VERB. OBJECT) 3. S.V.C.(COMPLEMENT) 4. S.V.A.(ADVERBIAL CLAUSE) 5. S.V.O.O. (INDIRECT OBJECT. DIRECT OBJECT) 6. S.V.O.C.( SUBJECT VERB OBJECT COMPLEMENT) 7. S.V.O.A.( SUBJECT VERB OBJECT ADVERB) 8. S.V.O.V. ( SUBJECT VERB OBJECT VERB) Example: Classify these sentences (S.V.O. etc.) Other meanings of SVOC: SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compound SVOC Southern Vectis Omnibus Company (Isle of Wight, UK)
March 22, 2011
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