July zhang
I have diversified hobbies through my life, but few among them I can stick to for a long time. I always quit and get interested to new ones. My hobbies like my friends in my life, they come and go. I respect the people who make a lot of efforts on their hobbies and finally reach a quite high level in the field. I think they must find the true happiness in hobbies. I used to learn piano, drawing and dancing in my childhood, I was a quick learner and had a lot of fun with friends then. After that, I tried guitar, diving, gardening... I also into music and movie. I just keep my curiosity to the world and open to try something new.
Sep 12, 2024 7:19 AM
Corrections · 1
I have had diversified hobbies throughout my life, but have only stuck with a few. I always quit and get interested in new ones. My hobbies are like my friends in my life, they come and go. I respect those who put a lot of effort into their hobbies and finally reach quite a high level in the field. I think they must find true happiness in their hobbies. I used to learn piano, drawing and dancing in my childhood, I was a quick learner and had a lot of fun with friends then. After that, I tried guitar, diving, and gardening. I am also into music and movies. I just keep my curiosity and open and try something new.
Sep 12, 2024 11:25 AM
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