In many countries today the retirement age from work has been raised. Do the advantages of raising the retirement age outweigh the disadvantages? It is believed that nowadays the age for retirement has been raised compared with the past. It could lead to a more active life for seniors but at the same time this trend can limit the career development for next generations. On the one hand, the desire to be involved into society because work is a perfect way to be active each day for older people. As a result, the expectancy of their lives could be improved due to daily routine and usefulness for the community. For instance, in Canada a lot of seniors prefer to keep their job as much as possible because it helps them to maintain a high level of activities and communications. On the other hand, this trend can lead to job market limitations because the seniors did not provide opportunities to boost careers for youngsters. Consequently, the young people could be demotivated because they would have to wait a long time, sometimes years or decades for promotion. It also could reflect on the economy decreasing the speed of development. For example, according to Japanese statistics their economy is experiencing stagnation due to the disbalance of the working people because almost half are older adults. In conclusion, the idea to live longer by increasing the retirement age can have positive motives but the economic development with younger brains and ideas potentially can bring more opportunities for society. It is a reason why in my point of view the advantages of raising the retirement age don't outweigh the disadvantages.
Sep 12, 2024 7:08 PM