Welcome to my profile!
My name is Dario and I'm a 27-year-old native german speaker. I'm really passionate about learning languages myself and would be happy to help you with your german. I'm also fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian. I enjoy arts, sports, traveling, cooking, and much more.
Herzlich willkommen auf meinem Profil!
Ich heiße Dario und bin ein 27-jährger deutscher Muttersprachler. Ich lerne selber leidenschaftlich gerne Sprachen und würde mich freuen Ihnen beim Deutschlernen zu helfen. Außer Deutsch spreche ich auch Englisch, Italienisch, und Spanisch. Ich interessiere mich für Kunst, Sport, Reisen, Kochen, und vieles mehr.
Me as a Teacher
I am a really patient person myself so don't worry about any mistakes you might make. I will happily help you to reduce them.
Ich bin sehr geduldig also haben Sie keine Angst davor Fehler zu machen. Ich werde Ihnen gerne dabei helfen diese nach und nach zu reduzieren.
My lessons & teaching style
In my lessons, we will practice speaking, reading, writing, or pronunciation depending on your preferences. I will do my best to adjust my teaching style to assist your needs. Of course, we can look through homework you might have as well.
In meinen Unterrichtsstunden, werden wir je nach Präferenz entweder sprechen, lesen, schreiben, oder die richtige Aussprache üben. Ich werde mein bestes geben meine Art zu Lehren an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Natürlich können wir auch Hausaufgaben die eventuell bestehen zusammen durchgehen.
My teaching material
Articles and news
PDF file
Text Documents
Video files
Attendance rate
Response rate
Attendance rate
Response rate
German Lessons
Trial Lesson
27 lessons completed
USD 9.00+
German conversation practice
A1 - C2Conversation559 lessons completed
USD 9.00+
Package with 6% off
Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
21 Reviews
33 German lessons
Teacher’s pick
Dario is an excellent conversation partner. He is very patient and eager to help, open-minded and ready to talk about whatever topics comes our way. The session was very positive and I felt completely relaxed and confident and managed to converse despite almost non-existent knowledge of German.
Look forward to more conversations:)
May 25, 2022
Nathalia Garcia
30 German lessons
Dario ist ein sehr Professionell Lehrer
Sep 10, 2023
15 German lessons
Dario ist sehr hilfsbereit und geduldig mit meinen Deutsch-Anfängern. Der Unterricht macht immer Spaß und hilft mir sehr. Vielen Dank! :)
Feb 25, 2023
Veronica Argento
14 German lessons
Teacher’s pick
Dario is very kind and has prepared some materials taken from past exams that we can use to speak. He has corrected me along the way and written in the chat the things that I needed to remember. Grazie Dario e a presto :)
May 7, 2022
1 German lesson
Dario si è dimostrato molto attento e capace a capire le mie necessità. Durante la lezione mi ha messo a mio agio e ha individuato le mie lacune su cui lavorare.
Mar 16, 2023
7 German lessons
alles super
Feb 16, 2023
Trial Lesson
USD 9.00
This teacher isn't accepting lesson requests. You can try to contact the teacher to arrange a lesson.
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This teacher isn't accepting lesson requests. You can try to contact the teacher to arrange a lesson.