Lithuanian teacher Martynas


Community Tutor
Creative and proactive teacher working with adults and children
From LithuaniaLiving in Paris, France (07:56 UTC+01:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Aug 10, 2020
InterestsTravelArtFilms & TV Series
Labas! Hey! My name is Martynas! I am a Lithuanian native speaker interested in cinema, music, literature, cooking and traveling. Besides, I am open-minded for new ideas and topics that interest you, so I can't wait to meet you in your first lesson! (If needed, I can open additional time slots, just write me a message!)
Attendance rate
Response rate

Lithuanian Lessons

Trial Lesson
61 lessons completed
USD 22.00+
Conversation practice of Lithuanian with personalized material
A1 -  C2


921 lessons completed
USD 35.00+
Package with 3% off
Lithuanian for children (5-14 years old)
A1 -  C2


172 lessons completed
USD 38.00+
Package with 3% off
Lithuanian group lesson for 2 people
A1 -  C2


0 lessons completed
USD 52.00+
Package with 4% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

132 Reviews

Student Tatjana
100 Lithuanian lessons
Teacher’s pick
The class with Martynas is well coordinated, fun and interactive. Our 8 year old child enjoys it so much he wants to keep practicing all summer. He has learned a huge amount of words and they are having a blast! Martynas, thanks so much!
Jul 14, 2022
Student vilnensys
71 Lithuanian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Terrific lesson in Lithuanian 100% with a very positive teacher Martynas! I would particularly emphasized his professionally organized and structured approach. We have discussed a topic of a common interest (cinema in Lithuania and other countries), Martynas suggested interesting discussion questions while correcting my mistakes! /// Labai ačiū už mūsų pamoką. Kaip laikas greitai prabėgo kalbant apie kiną.
Sep 19, 2020
Student vilnensys
71 Lithuanian lessons
Šiandien aptarėme kai kurių veiksmažodžiū vartoseną: justi vs. jaustis (nė nepajuntu, kaip užmiegu) apnikti (apniko nerimas; apėmė/užpuolė baimė) sklisti vs. skleisti (tas garsas lengvai sklinda; skleisti tiesą) pakvipti vs. kvėpti (gėlės kvimpa; kvepiu skanų kvapą) nušvisti (nušvito saulė; po pamokos likau baisiai nušvitęs)
May 29, 2023
Student Rory
52 Lithuanian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Sveikas! I have been having lessons with Martynas for almost a month and I have learned so much! Martynas has been super patient, clear and methodical in all of the lessons. Learning a new language hasn't been a chore and has been a lot of fun so far, the lessons are enjoyable and easy-going at a pace that works for me - we regularly check in on what I want to focus on and spend more time on things where needed. I look forward to continuing my lessons and recommend Martynas to anyone who wants to learn Lithuanian.
Mar 18, 2021
Student vilnensys
71 Lithuanian lessons
Kaip gerai buvo pasipraktikuoti šiandien. Nepaisant nešvaros ir rizikos pagauti lovos erkučių, mintimis aš dažnai grįžtu į Paryžių…Pradėjome pamoką kalbėdami kaip gi išrodo mūsų dviejų savaitgalis. Man jis išrodė ramus ir tylus, o Martynui įtemptas ir darbingas. Toliau pasinėrėme į pratimus, kuriuos aš ilgai ir kruopščiai rinkau. Tarp jų buvo keletas pratimų įrašyti praleistas raides ir pavartoti siūlomus žodžius tikslui reikšti.
Oct 17, 2023
Student vilnensys
71 Lithuanian lessons
Visų pirma, džiaugiuosi, kad dūmei į mūsų pamoką kaip į spėjai! Šiandien mokėmės kaip taisyklingai rašyti tam tikrus veiksmažodžius esamuoju bei būtuoju kartiniu laiku.
May 9, 2023
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