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Improve your French language skills with personalized online classes

Our team of experienced French teachers provides one-on-one online classes and courses designed to help you learn the language in a fun and interactive way.

Learn French with the teacher Justine.

500 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French

Certified teacher, more than 10 years experience! Specialised in conversation classes! I have been giving one on one classes for more than 10 years, in person and online. I have also worked for some language academies. I have specialised in conversation classes because I believe the best way to make progress is by talking with a native speaker and practice everything you have learned so far. I have learned Spanish immersing myself in the culture and focusing on my speaking skills as a priority and I've noticed I was able to improve very fast. I know it's hard at the beginning because we feel ashamed to make mistakes and I can easily empathize with my students.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher carolle french.

1,047 Lessons

carolle french

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

professeur certifiée avec 3 ans d'expériences⭐enfants ⭐adultes et préparation des tests A1-C2 *30+30 minutes offer for the package of 10 lessons* j'ai une certification en Français et j'ai également 3 ans d'expériences dans le domaine de l'enseignement . J'ai commencé par enseigner les élèves du niveau élémentaire en Français et en Anglais à domicile dans ma ville natale .Plutard, j'ai commencé à être sollicitée par plusieurs parents pour leurs progénitures comme enseignante du soir .Récemment, j'ai obtenu mon diplôme et à présent je peux aider les élèves et étudiants qui préparent des examens mais également ceux qui désirent apprendre une nouvelle langue.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 11:45 Today
Learn French with the teacher Laura L..

1,268 Lessons

Laura L.

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French
Mauritian Creole

Certified Teacher since 2019 | Dynamic, friendly, fun & very attentive| Personalized lessons After years working as a language teacher in a few different schools and countries, I am now working as a teacher of English as an international language in a multicultural university. I am also teaching French online, which has been a great cultural opportunity for the past 4 years. I truly enjoy meeting people from all around the world. I've had students from all continents and from different types of background. No matter where you come from and what path you are on, it is not too late to start and achieve your goals. My goal is to help people open the door of opportunities by learning a new language effectively. I may not be perfect, but what I do is simply my best.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn French with the teacher Matthias.

1,662 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :French

Certified French teacher from La Sorbonne University in Paris, France with 15 years of experience. I customize the classes for every student depending on their levels, their needs, their interests and their objectives. I meticulously prepare each class using adapted and certified educational materials that I select for each student according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) standards accredited by the French government. Also, I constantly offer extra exercices and activities as homework in between classes upon request from my students. I offer not only general French classes, but also conversational classes for intermediate and advanced levels. Also my courses include a preparation for the official french exams : DELF/ DALF/ TCF/ TEF.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Geethan.

3,598 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

I'm Human Not A Robot What level are you at now ? ✅ ZERO In that course, we interact in creative scenarios - you get to speak from day one. Focus: pronunciation ✅ A1-A2 (trainee) Take part in entertaining roleplays - the fastest way to foster confidence ? Focus: laying a solid grammatical foundation ✅ B1-B2 (midway) Spread your linguistic wings, learn the ropes of spontaneous conversation. Focus: conversation ✅ C1-C2 (leading-edge) Follow a masterclass of the French language, an intense course where your skills are tested to the limit. Focus: gargantuan vocabulary ✍️ Any question ? Click Contact Teacher now.

USD 7.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Christine.

1,881 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French

Bonjour, je m'appelle Christine! I was born and raised in France and went to the University of Grenoble where I obtained a degree in English Literature geared towards teaching. I have been teaching French online since 2017. My students come from all walks of life and range from young children to adults. My lessons take into account your learning style and preferences and will almost always include a grammar point with practice exercises, some oral comprehension with perhaps the viewing of a video or may be the reading of a text to improve on pronunciation. Regardless of the activity, the ultimate goal is to become more comfortable and fluent speaking French. I hope to see you in class soon:)

USD 15.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Aleksandra.

546 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

I. Opcje zajęć - francuski: konwersacje
 • przygotowanie do egzaminów (DELF, matura, egzamin ósmoklasisty) i konkursów (olimpiada) • gramatyka, słownictwo, czytanie, wypowiedź ustna - łacina: tłumaczenie tekstów
 • przygotowanie do egzaminów i konkursów • gramatyka
 - polski: konwersacje II. Options de cours - français : conversation • grammaire • vocabulaire - latin : exercices de traduction • grammaire - polonais : conversation III. Course options - Latin: translation exercices • grammar - French: conversation • grammar • vocabulary - Polish: conversation

USD 7.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Diaa.

1,785 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French
Arabic (Levantine)
Arabic (Modern Standard)

i started to take new students (again) !!! *****Beginners are more than welcome to sign up too****

USD 8.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Marion Q.

1,221 Lessons

Marion Q

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French

For 14 years, I teach occitan and esperanto, volunteer or as employee in a language training center. I runned for 4 years online training, I regularly teach courses of all kinds. I do not have a university education, I learned as we say "on the job" but I'm very interested in pedagogy, I like to read, to explore and train myself on the subject, I like to experiment with new techniques and I always try to improve myself.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Camille.

592 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French

Professeur de Français POLYGLOTTE certifiée DAEFLE avec plus de 7 ans d'expérience I love sharing my passion for languages and it's very gratifying when students improve and enjoy class. I always keep a positive and fun energy so my students feel comfortable to speak and ask questions. Me encanta compartir mi pasión por los idiomas y es muy gratificante ver mis alumnos progresar y disfrutar de la clase. Siempre mantengo una energia positiva y agradable para que se sientan cómodos y libres de hablar y hacer preguntas. Amo compartilhar minha paixão pelos idiomas e acho muito gratificante ver os meus alunos progredirem e curtirem da aula. Sempre mantenho uma boa energia durante a aula para que se sintam a vontade para falar e fazer perguntas.

USD 13.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher ANNE.

10 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

tutrice certifiée d’origine française expatriée en Amérique Latine Je suis passionnée par l’enseignement du français à mes élèves de tous niveaux (enfants et adultes), je bénéficie d'une expérience significative d'enseignement en ligne et en présentiel. Mes élèves apprécient le temps passé ensemble car je m'applique à personnaliser chacune de mes leçons.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Guillaume.

1,712 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Professeur FLE avec 8 ans d'expérience réputé pour son empathie et sa patience. J'ai repris des études récemment ,afin de me spécialiser en Français Langue Etrangère (FLE). Il n'y a pas vraiment de demande içi en Thaïlande, mais les possibilités offertes par Internet et les réseaux modernes permettent aujourd'hui de diffuser la langue et la culture française dans le monde entier. Ma diction est lente et claire, ce qui me permet d'etre compris par mes interlocuteurs étrangers. Je maitrise la grammaire et la syntaxe. Je lis beaucoup, en français et en anglais.

USD 9.90/trial
Learn French with the teacher Alice Broi.

1,896 Lessons

Alice Broi

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Certified TEFL teacher with over 7 years of experience. I have been teaching for a pretty long time: I started teaching dance, then I realized that teaching was one of the things I am good at, and languages were one of my passions, so I decided to combine them and undertook the path of teaching foreign languages. I am friendly and sociable, but I know where and how to set boundaries in a relationship, if needed. When it comes to work, I am trustworthy and reliable. I pour my heart into what I do

USD 5.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Camille Stella.

298 Lessons

Camille Stella

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :French

Je suis patiente, flexible, à l'écoute de vos questions, je m'adapte à votre niveau et vos besoins. Je valorise l'expression orale authentique, le plaisir à communiquer et échanger. J'aime aider à faire naitre votre curiosité et votre identité "en français", mais également garder vos particularités et vos identités multiples. J'encourage à développer la culture francophone, et mieux comprendre les français et la vie en France, à exprimer vos différences .

USD 12.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Hajar.


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French
Arabic (Maghrebi)

[FR] La meilleure façon d'apprendre une langue est à travers la conversation, c'est pourquoi je vous encouragerai à parler autant que possible pendant nos leçons. Selon votre niveau, nous aborderons également la prononciation, la grammaire, ainsi que la compréhension. Chaque leçon est personnalisée pour être engageante et efficace. [ENG] I believe that the best way to learn a language is through conversation. That’s why I’ll encourage you to speak as much as possible during our lessons. Depending on your level, we’ll also cover pronunciation, grammar, reading, and writing. Each lesson is personalized to be engaging and effective.

USD 13.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Julie A..

1,027 Lessons

Julie A.

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Je peux adapter les leçons à vos connaissances et à vos besoins. Je peux tirer parti de mon expérience de comédienne pour améliorer vos compétences en matière de diction et de communication verbale et non verbale. Je peux vous conseiller sur la prise de parole en public et vous aider à préparer une présentation ou une réunion en français. I can tailor lessons to your knowledge and needs. I can draw from my acting and theater experience to improve your diction, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills. I can advise on public speaking and help you prepare for a presentation or meeting in French.

USD 13.00/trial
Learn French with the teacher Laura.

134 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Professeure communautaire avec de l'expérience dans l'enseignement (professeure des écoles) Je vous propose des leçons de français axées principalement autour de la pratique de la langue. Selon vos besoins, je peux vous proposer des points de grammaire et de vocabulaire.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn French with the teacher 538PierreFr.

244 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Bonjour ! Plusieurs années d’expériences comme professeur en cours particuliers avec lycéens, collégiens et touristes étrangers et comme bénévole ( avec des associations qui travaillent dans l’événementiel ou le social ) . A l’écoute des objectifs et des envies de l'élèves, je suis à l'écoute et je sais m'adapter. J'ai validé un bac économique et social avec mention bien et j'ai une certaine culture générale. On peut donc aussi aborder des sujets académiques pendant les séances.

USD 17.00/Hour
Learn French with the teacher Louise.

714 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :French

Native speaker & DAEFLE (qualified French teacher) Through my travels I have realized that the best way to learn a language is to practice it. For this reason, I like to focus on conversation while leaving room for theory for better execution in the long run. I love teaching my mother tongue and talking about the culture that goes with it while learning about the culture of others. We share so many differences and similarities that bring us together, I think it's great to meet people from all over the world :) Have a look at my blog on France and some language tips :

USD 18.00/Hour
Learn French with the teacher Theo / TEF practice.

2,834 Lessons

Theo / TEF practice

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :French

Your learning is also my responsibility. I always loved searching for the best way to express myself and the French offer so many different ways to achieve this. I started Italki without much confidence on my capacity to teach and without knowing if I would like it. But things turned out well, I love it and since students come back, I think they are happy too. I have now more than 2000 lessons given on Italki and this is my main experience as a community teacher, I am also helping my spouse with the french language every day. I've been learning english, I'm currently learning japanese and I will use what I learned and learn to keep you on the path to success in your ambition.

USD 9.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

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Ready to start learning French today? Sign up now to find the perfect French teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!

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