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Learn Italian on italki language classes with certificated teachers

Our online Italian language courses and classes are designed to help you achieve your language goals quickly and efficiently. Our experienced Italian teachers use the latest teaching techniques and materials to provide you with the best possible learning experience.

Learn Italian with the teacher Valentina Scanferla.

24 Lessons

Valentina Scanferla

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Teacher of Italian to foreigners with 3 years of experience with students from all over the world. 🇮🇹 Ho 3 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento dell'italiano a stranieri di qualsiasi nazionalità presso la scuola pubblica italiana. Attualmente sto studiando per conseguire una certificazione DITALS II Livello presso l'Università per stranieri di Siena. 🇬🇧 I have 3 years of experience teaching Italian to foreigners of any nationality at Italian public schools. I am currently studying for a DITALS II Level certification at the University for Foreigners of Siena. 🇪🇸 Tengo 3 años de experiencia enseñando italiano a extranjeros de cualquier nacionalidad en escuelas públicas italianas. Estoy estudiando para obtener la certificación DITALS NivelII en la Universidad para Extranjeros de Siena.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Eleonora B..

29 Lessons

Eleonora B.

id verified
Test Preparation
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

CEDILS-certified teacher from beautiful Salento I have 8 years of teaching experience (English and Italian), and for the last 4 years I've been working online with students from all over the world. I am knowledgeable, patient and empathetic, and teach for all levels and communicative purposes: whether you want to reinforce your conversation and writing skills, you are a complete beginner who wants to embark on this new adventure, you are preparing for a certification, or want to find out what are the best ways to speak naturally among native speakers, I am happy to help.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Elio Ministeri.

280 Lessons

Elio Ministeri

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Native Italian Coach I will teach you all my communication skills in the Italian language. No matter what level you are at, together we will achieve your goals! We will focus on the conversation, we will analyse dialogues and idioms in Italy, always paying attention to grammar! You will also receive invaluable motivation in learning the Italian language, but also in terms of everyday life.

USD 23.00/Hour
Available 05:30 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Ettore Lucchesi.

978 Lessons

Ettore Lucchesi

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I have a master's degree in teaching at the Giovanni Pascoli School. I have been teaching Italian for many years to foreigners in Florence, working for a voluntary association, and also at the UAM (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana) in Mexico city and Aguascalientes, Mexico. In 2017 and 2018 I taught Italian in Australia. I have shaped my teaching over time by having to teach to people from 5 to 70 in many different situations, face to face, online, in schools, in neighbourhoods, in villages, in associations, even in different kind of churches and recreational clubs, using the most effective teaching approach based on the situation.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Graziana Filomeno.

4,809 Lessons

Graziana Filomeno

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Founder & Content Creator of LearnAmo, the biggest Italian school in the world 🇮🇹 Essendo laureata in Comunicazione Linguistica e Interculturale all'Università di Bari conosco benissimo la difficoltà che uno studente può riscontrare nell'approcciarsi a una nuova lingua. Io stessa, nel mio viaggio di apprendimento dell'inglese, tedesco e francese, ho incontrato svariati problemi. Ma sono profondamente convinta che con le giuste strategie e metodi non esistano ostacoli insormontabili! Preparerò ogni lezione in base alle esigenze dei miei studenti (grammatica, conversazione, pronuncia, vocabolario, ecc.) cercando di colmare qualsiasi possibile debolezza e consolidando gli aspetti già ben sviluppati.

USD 77.00/trial
Available 05:00 Tomorrow

4 Instant Lesson Teachers

We have teachers ready to have a lesson with you immediately! Find a teacher and start learning.

Simona L.
Professional Teacher

2,913 Lessons

SPEAKS :Italian
Neapolitan (Napoletano)
Professional teacher / have lived & taught 3 years abroad / passionate & in love with teaching
trialUSD 20.00
Community Tutor

2,582 Lessons

SPEAKS :Italian
Italian Native Speaker with 5+ years of Experience
trialUSD 10.00
Rosario Paolo
Community Tutor

143 Lessons

SPEAKS :Italian
Tutor Certificato Cedils con esperienza pluriennale
trialUSD 8.00
Learn Italian with the teacher Sthella Perera.

605 Lessons

Sthella Perera

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Insegnante di Italiano Sono qui su Italki per aiutarti a imparare l'italiano e la meravigliosa cultura di questo paese. Sono una persona molto curiosa e amichevole, e sono anche molto open-minded. Per questo non esitare a chiedermi di parlare di qualsiasi argomento! Mi piace fare conversazione di ogni tipo e credo fermamente che per imparare una lingua bisogna parlarla il più possibile.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher SARA.

369 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian
Persian (Farsi)

Certificazione di italiano CILS, con l'esperienza nell'insegnamento dal 2013 Mi piace insegnare e insegno la lingua italiana dal 2013 e la lingua persiana dal 2020. Sono una persona molto paziente e amo aiutare gli altri. Quindi per me sarà una grande soddisfazione vedervi migliorare progressivamente. Io sono un'insegnante che riesce ad instaurare un clima rilassato e informale con gli studenti, amichevole, ma professionale! Vi assicuro che non ci mancheranno gli argomenti per la conversazione. :) من درس دادن را دوست دارم و از سال 2013 زبان ایتالیایی و از سال 2020 زبان فارسی درس می دهم. من شخصی بسیار صبور هستم و دوست دارم به دیگران کمک کنم. بنابراین برای من خوشحالی بزرگی خواهد بود که شاهد پیشرفت تدریجی شما باشم.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 06:30 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Matteo Dabellonio.

927 Lessons

Matteo Dabellonio

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Professore di Italiano Certificato da 6 anni |Preparazione Esami (CELI, CILS, PLIDA, DALI, CLIDA) Ho un C1 di spagnolo e un B2 di inglese. Ho lavorato con la scuola online LearnAmo per oltre 4 anni, creando materiale didattico per gli studenti. Mi piace molto insegnare l'italiano ad adulti e bambini, e ho una grande passione per l'insegnamento. Il mio obiettivo come insegnante privato è quello di creare un'esperienza di apprendimento personalizzata e divertente per ogni studente. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, utilizzo una grande varietà di materiali, tra cui video, podcast e giochi. In questo modo, riesco a rendere le lezioni coinvolgenti e stimolanti, in modo da mantenere l'attenzione degli studenti e aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di apprendimento.

USD 9.99/trial
Available 19:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Rosanna Gavini.

352 Lessons

Rosanna Gavini

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Insegnante statale con certificazione Ditals I per insegnamento dell'Italiano con lunga esperienza Sono un'insegnante di scuola primaria statale, con una lunga esperienza di insegnamento dell'Italiano. Privatamente ho sempre dato lezioni di lingua a stranieri, soprattutto bambini che non conoscevano l'Italiano. Parlo francese certificato B2, inglese certificato B1, russo B1.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 15:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Ulla Brixen.

2,499 Lessons

Ulla Brixen

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Thank you for visiting my profile. I’m sure that I can help you and teach you the language you need to learn. Maybe you’re going to move to Europe and need to have the right skills to approach a new life here – I can guarantee that you will get those skills, if you choose me as your teacher. Before starting my career as a teacher, I worked for many years in an international organisation, where the official language was English and Danish, so whatever you should need for business purposes, just contact me. Choosing me as a teacher you will get both someone who really cares but also value for money. Children are of course always very welcome ?

USD 30.00/trial
Available 10:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher ⭐️ Natasha ⭐️.

3,207 Lessons

⭐️ Natasha ⭐️

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Teacher since 2009 ⭐️ 100% target language method ⭐️Start speaking within seconds ✔️Proven 100% target language method ✔️ I will get you speak the target language within seconds of our class, even if you are just a beginner ✔️ I use a wide variety of online materials such as books, tests, audio files, PP presentations to support this method ✔️ I offer both everyday and business language ✔️ We will focus mostly on speaking but there will be also reading and grammar ✔️ We will keep writing for homework

USD 10.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Kati T..

294 Lessons

Kati T.

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

🌟 Learn Italian the Fun Way: Conversations & Reading Made Easy! 👩‍🏫📚 💥 Whether you're starting out 🌱, in the early stages 📚, or making strides in the middle 🚀, you're in the right spot! What's on the agenda for your lessons❓ 🌟 Engage in vibrant daily chats tailored to your interests. 📝 Explore new words in their natural habitat to boost your vocabulary. 🔍 Master useful grammar through real-life conversations. 🗣️ Refine your pronunciation with interactive practice sessions. ❌ I can't assist with schoolwork, essays, mock interviews, exams, or business English. ❌ My expertise is with adults and teens aged 15 and up, so I'm not the best fit for younger learners. 🙅‍♂️👧

USD 14.00/trial
Available 12:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Elena Brovko.

2,098 Lessons

Elena Brovko

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified Russian language teacher and examiner (ТРКИ) I teach Russian professionally since 2015 when I graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Also I’m a certified examiner (since 2020), I have the right to administer tests in Russian (ТРКИ, all levels). I teach Russian to adults at all levels.

USD 18.00/trial
Available 10:30 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Alex.

120 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified TESOL & CELTA English / Italian teacher. Insegnante di inglese con TESOL e CELTA I am a certified CELTA and TESOL instructor with a decade of experience teaching English to speakers of other languages, from young learners to adults, both on-site and online. I have recently started to craft and offer simple Italian lessons for beginners & intermediate Italian language learners too, so I hope to see you in my classes!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 11:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Vittorio Ferrara.

31 Lessons

Vittorio Ferrara

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian conversation with special skills in journalism, project management and TV news production 🇮🇹Curo molto la grammatica. Sono immerso nell'attualità e nelle news. Storia e storia italiana sono anch'esse ottimi strumenti che utilizzo nell'insegnamento 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺I pay close attention to grammar. I am immersed in current events and news. History and Italian history are also good tools that I use in teaching

USD 9.00/Hour
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher ⭐️Nadi⭐️.

745 Lessons


id verified
Test Preparation
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

🔥Feel stuck? I help you get unstuck in speaking & broaden your vocabulary | pronunciation | exams🔥 The lessons are in Italian because I want you to feel like you are in Italy. We'll talk like over a coffee on different topics each time with specific vocabulary so you'll get used to the sound of the language, culture, gestures & practise speaking.🌈 U'll have fun with articles, poems, songs, Dante, photos, virtual tours, videos, questions, reading, graphs, phonetics exercises (where I'm specialised) to make the lessons in-depth, dynamic & complete without neglecting the importance of technical lessons, formal vocabulary & tests preparation for work, uni, citizenship with simulations, explanations & tricks to arrive at the test/job interview prepared & without anxiety ❤️

USD 11.00/Hour
Learn Italian with the teacher greta falanica.

42 Lessons

greta falanica

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Laureata in "Lingue e letterature straniere" all'Università di Urbino, Italia. Sono molto paziente, amo parlare e ascoltare, per questo le nostre lezioni saranno piene di conversazioni divertenti e interessanti. Insieme, praticheremo l'italiano in modo rilassato e senza stress. Sono qui per aiutarvi a diventare più sicuri e fluenti nella lingua, mentre esploriamo insieme la cultura e le tradizioni italiane ma non solo. I am very patient, I love to speak and listen, that's why our lessons will be full of fun and interesting conversations. Together, we will practice Italian in a relaxed and stress-free manner. I am here to help you become more confident and fluent in the language as we explore not only Italian culture and traditions but more.

USD 11.05/Hour
Available 12:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Noemi.

2,459 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian
Neapolitan (Napoletano)

Autrice di romanzi, laureata in Lingue, tutor di Italiano e di Napoletano dal 2013 I'm an experienced Italian language tutor with a master's degree in Modern Languages. I believe that learning a new language is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences. I'm dedicated to making it an enjoyable and successful journey for my students, helping them achieve their language learning goals. I offer customized lesson plans that cater to each student's individual needs and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, I'll use my expertise in language acquisition and my fluency in Italian and Neapolitan to provide the guidance, resources, and support needed to help you achieve your goals.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Valerio.

946 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Tutor di supporto all'apprendimento con oltre 10 anni di esperienza. Sono molto duttile, mi adatto bene ai bisogni di ciascuno studente, avendo già avuto modo di insegnare a diverse fasce d'età. L'obiettivo a breve termine è quello di trasmettere il mio amore per la lingua e la cultura italiana e ottenere risultati già dopo la prima lezione. Ciò che mi ha insegnato la passione per le lingue straniere è l'importanza di commettere errori, imparare attraverso il dialogo e le situazioni di vita reale (che sono molto lontane da ciò che è scritto sui libri di testo). Fa tutto parte del bagaglio che portiamo nel nostro percorso di apprendimento. Sono solare, positivo e credo in ciascuno di voi! (Se ci sono riuscito io, tutti quanti possono farlo!)

USD 13.00/trial
Available 19:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Agnese.

109 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian teacher, conversation-based approach I think having an active aproach to the language is fundamental, and so are mistakes. Languages shouldn't be a chore, so I try to make even the most difficult themes approachable. I'm a curious person so I'm open to any suggestions and themes that might be brought up. I don't have any specific italian accent: people from other parts of Italy can't tell where I am from.

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Italian courses

Finding the right Italian tutor on italki can be a daunting task, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. First, consider your goals and learning style. Are you looking for conversational practice or do you need help with grammar? Do you prefer a structured lesson or a more relaxed approach? Once you’ve determined your needs, use italki’s search filters to narrow down your options. Look for tutors who specialize in your areas of interest, have good reviews, and are available at a time that works for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential tutors and ask questions before booking a lesson. A good tutor will be happy to discuss their teaching style and answer any questions you may have. Lastly, be open-minded and willing to try different tutors until you find the right fit for you.

Yes, the required textbooks and materials for online Italian courses may vary depending on the tutor or course provider. Some tutors may provide their own materials while others may require the use of specific textbooks or workbooks. It is important to check with your Italian tutor or course provider before starting the course to ensure that you have the necessary materials.

In addition to textbooks, many online Italian courses offer interactive online resources such as videos, audio recordings, and online quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Some courses may also offer access to online language learning platforms or apps for additional practice and reinforcement. By having access to the appropriate materials and resources, you can make the most out of your online Italian course and improve your language skills effectively.

At italki, there are several payment options available to pay for online Italian classes and courses. You can choose to pay through various online payment methods such as PayPal, Alipay, or credit cards. You can also purchase italki Credits, which is the official currency used on the platform.

To purchase italki Credits, you can go to your account settings and choose the amount of credits you wish to purchase. Once you have purchased the credits, they will be added to your italki account, and you can use them to pay for your Italian lessons with your preferred tutor. italki Credits can also be used to purchase lesson packages, which can help you save money in the long run.

It is worth noting that the prices for Italian classes and courses vary depending on the tutor’s qualifications and experience. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rates of different tutors before booking a lesson. Additionally, some tutors offer discounts or promotions, so it is worth keeping an eye out for those as well.

Yes, you can schedule Italian classes according to your own availability on italki. When searching for Italian tutors on italki, you can filter your search by selecting the preferred day and time of your classes. This allows you to find a tutor whose availability matches yours. Once you have chosen a tutor, you can view their schedule and select a time slot that works for you. The tutor will then confirm the time slot, and the class will be scheduled. Additionally, some Italian tutors offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to reschedule or cancel classes up to a certain time before the scheduled class without penalty. This makes it easier for you to manage your Italian classes and adjust them according to your availability.

Yes, you can definitely take Italian classes online even if you’re a beginner. In fact, online Italian classes are a great option for beginners as they provide a comfortable and convenient environment to learn the language at your own pace. Most online Italian tutors are experienced in teaching beginners and will start with the basics such as the Italian alphabet, numbers, and simple phrases. They will gradually introduce you to more complex grammar and vocabulary as you progress in your learning journey. You can also expect to engage in a variety of learning activities such as role-playing, conversation practice, and listening exercises. With the help of an experienced online Italian tutor, you can quickly build a strong foundation in the language and achieve your language learning goals.

Ready to start learning Italian today? Sign up now to find the perfect Italian teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!