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Learn Italian on italki language classes with certificated teachers

Our online Italian language courses and classes are designed to help you achieve your language goals quickly and efficiently. Our experienced Italian teachers use the latest teaching techniques and materials to provide you with the best possible learning experience.

Learn Italian with the teacher Federica Orrù ⭐⭐.

4,093 Lessons

Federica Orrù ⭐⭐

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

With years of language teaching experience, I've developed a tailored approach that suits diverse learning styles. My passion for languages extends beyond just fluency; I thrive on sparking that same enthusiasm in my students. Whether you're a beginner or aiming for fluency, I adapt my teaching methods to match your needs and goals. My multicultural experiences and linguistic proficiency equip me to provide a holistic learning experience, not just in mastering the language itself but also in understanding its cultural nuances. Through personalized lessons and engaging activities, I create a supportive environment where students feel empowered to excel.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Anna.

5,058 Lessons


id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Mothertongue certified teacher with over 6 years experience, I teach to adults and kids I am a certified teacher (I obtained the DITALS certification from the University for foreigners of Siena) and I have experience with one-to-one lessons both in presence and online, with adults of many nationalities and with teenagers and children. I studied at the Liceo classico (studying Italian literature, Latin and ancient greek language and literature) and then I studied international law at the university of Milan. I also have experience in courses of preparation of CELI and CILS exams, mainly to foreigners who apply for Italian citizenship.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Andrea.

362 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Tutor italiano con tre anni di esperienza I really like discovering different cultures. Three years ago, I started helping people from all over the world (mostly Americans) to learn Italian. I believe that curiosity is at the heart of language learning and it should never be seen as a stressful process. Because of this, I would like to teach you Italian through talking about whatever you enjoy, using an appropriate vocabulary according to your level. Also I'm used to the typical mistakes that students from other countries make, so I try to correct them immediately :)

USD 5.00/trial
Available 07:30 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Anna.

4,819 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified italian teacher with a great experience with lots of students from all over the world. Sono molto motivata, penso che il segreto per l'apprendimento di una lingua è la costanza, non mi limito alla conversazione, ma anche a letture, traduzioni, esercizi di ascolto. Posso fornire siti utili e consigliare libri. Il linguaggio ha aspetti molteplici e non ci si può soffermare solo su uno di essi. Essendo una studentessa di lingue e avendo avuto esperienze nell'ambito dell'insegnamento di una seconda lingua, conosco quali possano essere le difficoltà e so cosa uno studente cerca dal suo insegnante, primo aspetto fra tutti è la professionalità e un metodo efficace. Non sono un'insegnate esigente, per me è importante valorizzare gli errori per capire e migliorare.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Roberta.

3,434 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

PROFESSIONAL BOOTCAMP! Linguistics graduate- ACCURATE CORRECTION😊 While I consider myself a perfectionist and a detail-oriented tutor, I am definitely fun and relaxed. I believe classes should be also entertaining and laid back. You should book a trial lesson if you are after a teacher who puts maximum effort into helping you to develop a strong awareness when it comes to your learning language. A teacher who can be a perfectionist and really challenge you if that's what you're aiming for or just be fun and entertaining if that's all you desire.

USD 9.90/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Marina De Sario.

397 Lessons

Marina De Sario

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Sono un'insegnante incoraggiante e paziente, capace di trasmettere le proprie conoscenze con entusiasmo e impegno. I'm an encouraging and patient teacher who transmits her knowledge with enthusiasm and commitment.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Giulia Origlia.

336 Lessons

Giulia Origlia

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Online Teacher since 2021. Learn new language in a warm and cheerful environment! I'm a patient tutor, willing to help my students to achieve their goals, being aware of the difficoulties one must face when it comes to learn a new language. I want my students to feel confortable and so I try to involve them in the study through the use of little games or brain teasers. I'm always available for any help or explanations of unclear topics.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 06:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Irene.

1,585 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian certified Neurolanguage Coach® - Accr. ICF - Set your destination: we'll get there together Mi piace lavorare in maniera personalizzata, sostenere il mio cliente nel percorso e stimolare il suo cervello a trovare la giusta ispirazione. Capisco e sostengo il suo impegno con empatia e collaboro con lui per trovare la formula giusta per renderlo autonomo e libero di parlare in italiano, seguendo i suoi obiettivi nella grammatica, nella pronuncia e nella conversazione.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Valeria 🇮🇹.

2,466 Lessons

Valeria 🇮🇹

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Specialized in teaching beginner and intermediate Italian My motto about learning: tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll learn. I am a really enthusiastic teacher with a passion for foreign languages and cultures, to me a new language is a fascinating new world to explore. I like chatting with people from all over the world and being engaged in continuous learning, therefore I frequently attend lectures, seminars and webinars to update my language teaching techniques and discover new ones. I got my Master's Degree in modern languages (English and French) from the University of Rome La Sapienza, after that I got my DITALS Certificate from the University of Siena, to teach Italian as a foreign/second language.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Paolo.

750 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Sono molto paziente e attento ai bisogni dei miei studenti. Cercherò sempre di metterti a tuo agio con lezioni che siano adatte al tuo livello e che catturino il tuo interesse.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Elisa Matilde.

1,182 Lessons

Elisa Matilde

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Young Italian tutor with already three years of experience I have a passion for teaching, and I’ve always wanted to do it🍃, and I’ve conducted many classes in different situations. I like listening to suggestions and critiques, and I’m very patient. I take commitments seriously, but I want my students to have fun and feel good during class! I think it’s essential to create a comfortable situation to learn💡. Italki is not my only job, but to meet as many requests as possible, we can communicate via message and find a time that works for both of us! If you don't find a convenient time, tell me!🌈 ⚠️​For me, the most important thing is to enable anyone who wants to learn, and this remains an absolute priority for me!⚠️​

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Barak.

635 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Student of Medicine & Surgery| Sports&Lifestyle | Pleasant teaching style: games, songs, reading:) Hey there! I'm not just your average teacher; I genuinely care about delivering value to my students. While I'm all about having a fun and light-hearted approach, trust me, our lessons will never be dull! I equally enjoy diving deep into serious, colloquial, and even scientific topics. You know how some lessons can feel like they're dragging on, or, the opposite, like they’re too rushed? I pride myself on my efficient approach to teaching. Once I've got a sense of your learning style and needs, our lessons will feel just right: the perfect balance of new content, practice, and those all-important breaks to let things sink in. Looking forward to our learning adventure!😊

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Stefano Uderzo.

1,520 Lessons

Stefano Uderzo

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I fell in love with foreign languages when I began to attend my high school. And from then on, I have never stopped practicing them. One of the things I love the most is teaching them to others. I share what I know with my pupils and mates in order to keep my English, French and German alive as much as I can and to do my best to transmit them my passion. I strongly believe that learning a foreign language must be a pleasure. ​

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Pacey  (安佩思).

Pacey (安佩思)

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian
Chinese (Mandarin)

Sono un'insegnante molto estroversa e credo che il miglior metodo per imparare le lingue sia creare un'ambiente disteso e allegro. In secondo luogo credo che sia importante usare il tempo nel modo più efficace, durante questi anni ho sviluppato il mio metodo di studio per imparare le lingue e sono disposta a condividerlo con te! I am a very outgoing teacher and I believe that the best way to learn languages ​​is to create a relaxed and cheerful environment. Secondly, I believe that it is important to use time in the most effective way, during these years I have developed my own study method to learn languages ​​and I am willing to share it with you!

USD 25.00/Hour
Learn Italian with the teacher Andrea.

451 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

This is the right place if you need to: - have relaxed and friendly talks with an open-minded native Italian speaker and have ALL your mistakes tracked (100% guaranteed) - learn Italian from scratch or improve your current level - simulate job interviews in Italian and/or review important documents (ex. CV, cover letters, essays, others) in Italian

USD 9.00/trial
Available 09:15 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Alessio Corsini.

1,702 Lessons

Alessio Corsini

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

TEFL certified English and Italian Teacher with 10 years of experience I have 10 years of teaching experience. I have been teaching English and Italian in Italy and abroad. Do you want to... ✅ Get the right confidence in English and Italian speaking without worrying of making mistakes ✅ Gain listening skills and understand English and Italian when you enjoy your favorite songs and movies. ✅ Improve your understanding of English and Italian grammar. ✅ Expand your vocabulary. If these are some of your goals, then book a trial lesson with me!

USD 13.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Camilla.

259 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I mezzi a disposizione per l'approccio all'apprendimento di una nuova lingua o di una lingua poco conosciuta, sono molti. Oltre all'utilizzo dei classici manuali, vorrei spaziare partendo, ad esempio, in ambito orale, con la spiegazione di alcuni vocaboli ed espressioni di base, per poi continuare con letture di articoli, parti di libri, testi di canzoni e curiosità in ambito culturale. Il tutto verrà concordato con lo studente, sempre tenendo conto di quelle che sono le sue esigenze e competenze linguistiche. Sono molto paziente e ci tengo a creare un ambiente di scambio che metta lo studente a proprio agio.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Giulia Ricci.

1,142 Lessons

Giulia Ricci

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

L'italiano adattato alle tue esigenze Lo studente è il protagonista nella mio metodo di insegnamento: il mio compito è quello di assecondare il suo stile di apprendimento, guidarlo nella creazione di un metodo di studio autonomo che gli permetta di sfruttare le proprie capacità e rafforzare i punti deboli. Accompagno i miei alunni alla scoperta della lingua italiana attraverso la letteratura, il cinema, la musica, la cucina, la storia e l'attualità. Mantengo vivo il loro entusiasmo ed alimento la loro motivazione con attività variate, ludiche e stimolanti affinché il loro apprendimento sia completo e possano sviluppare tutte le abilità.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Giulia Del Giudice.

608 Lessons

Giulia Del Giudice

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified Italian Language for foreigners Teacher Cerco sempre di capire bisogni e interessi dei miei studenti prima di creare un piano di lezioni e dò molta importanza all'uso della lingua, sia parlata che scritta. Amo condividere la mia cultura e capire meglio tutte le altre culture. I always try to understand my students's needs and interests before to create a lesson plan and I give a lot of importance to the use of the language, both oral and written. I love to share my culture and to know more about other cultures.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Chiara.

199 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Il mio approccio all'insegnamento si basa sull'interazione, sulla comunicazione autentica e sull'uso pratico della lingua. Credo che sia importante creare un ambiente stimolante in cui gli studenti si sentano a proprio agio nel praticare la lingua e superare le eventuali difficoltà. Cerco di creare un equilibrio tra esercizi guidati e attività interattive che coinvolgano gli studenti in modo attivo. Mi preoccupo molto delle esigenze individuali degli studenti e adatto le lezioni in base alle loro capacità, obiettivi e interessi. Cerco di fornire feedback costruttivi e incoraggiamento costante per favorire il progresso degli studenti.

USD 6.50/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Italian courses

Finding the right Italian tutor on italki can be a daunting task, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. First, consider your goals and learning style. Are you looking for conversational practice or do you need help with grammar? Do you prefer a structured lesson or a more relaxed approach? Once you’ve determined your needs, use italki’s search filters to narrow down your options. Look for tutors who specialize in your areas of interest, have good reviews, and are available at a time that works for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential tutors and ask questions before booking a lesson. A good tutor will be happy to discuss their teaching style and answer any questions you may have. Lastly, be open-minded and willing to try different tutors until you find the right fit for you.

Yes, the required textbooks and materials for online Italian courses may vary depending on the tutor or course provider. Some tutors may provide their own materials while others may require the use of specific textbooks or workbooks. It is important to check with your Italian tutor or course provider before starting the course to ensure that you have the necessary materials.

In addition to textbooks, many online Italian courses offer interactive online resources such as videos, audio recordings, and online quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Some courses may also offer access to online language learning platforms or apps for additional practice and reinforcement. By having access to the appropriate materials and resources, you can make the most out of your online Italian course and improve your language skills effectively.

At italki, there are several payment options available to pay for online Italian classes and courses. You can choose to pay through various online payment methods such as PayPal, Alipay, or credit cards. You can also purchase italki Credits, which is the official currency used on the platform.

To purchase italki Credits, you can go to your account settings and choose the amount of credits you wish to purchase. Once you have purchased the credits, they will be added to your italki account, and you can use them to pay for your Italian lessons with your preferred tutor. italki Credits can also be used to purchase lesson packages, which can help you save money in the long run.

It is worth noting that the prices for Italian classes and courses vary depending on the tutor’s qualifications and experience. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rates of different tutors before booking a lesson. Additionally, some tutors offer discounts or promotions, so it is worth keeping an eye out for those as well.

Yes, you can schedule Italian classes according to your own availability on italki. When searching for Italian tutors on italki, you can filter your search by selecting the preferred day and time of your classes. This allows you to find a tutor whose availability matches yours. Once you have chosen a tutor, you can view their schedule and select a time slot that works for you. The tutor will then confirm the time slot, and the class will be scheduled. Additionally, some Italian tutors offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to reschedule or cancel classes up to a certain time before the scheduled class without penalty. This makes it easier for you to manage your Italian classes and adjust them according to your availability.

Yes, you can definitely take Italian classes online even if you’re a beginner. In fact, online Italian classes are a great option for beginners as they provide a comfortable and convenient environment to learn the language at your own pace. Most online Italian tutors are experienced in teaching beginners and will start with the basics such as the Italian alphabet, numbers, and simple phrases. They will gradually introduce you to more complex grammar and vocabulary as you progress in your learning journey. You can also expect to engage in a variety of learning activities such as role-playing, conversation practice, and listening exercises. With the help of an experienced online Italian tutor, you can quickly build a strong foundation in the language and achieve your language learning goals.

Ready to start learning Italian today? Sign up now to find the perfect Italian teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!