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Learn Italian on italki language classes with certificated teachers

Our online Italian language courses and classes are designed to help you achieve your language goals quickly and efficiently. Our experienced Italian teachers use the latest teaching techniques and materials to provide you with the best possible learning experience.

Learn Italian with the teacher Valia Spyropoulou.

1,773 Lessons

Valia Spyropoulou

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

BA in English Language & Literature / BA in Spanish Language & Culture I have experience in teaching both children and adults. I feel great satisfaction when my students are actually learning and progressing in the target language. I help students who want to start a language from scratch or those who already know a language and want to develop their language skills by combining a variety of methods. I also prepare students for the exams of a foreign language.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Stefania M..

1,378 Lessons

Stefania M.

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Insegnante di italiano certificata da oltre 10 anni. Espertissima di lingua e cultura italiane. Studio lingue straniere fin da bambina e questo mi permette di essere sempre anche “dall’altra parte”, cioè di capire la persona che ho davanti, come si sente davanti alle difficoltà ma anche alle soddisfazioni che imparare una lingua straniera comporta. Cerco di essere l’insegnante che, da studentessa, vorrei avere: qualcuno che mi aiuti a trovare il mio stile di apprendimento personale o che, se già lo conosco, adatti metodologie e materiali a queste mie caratteristiche personali. La preparazione delle lezioni per me è una fase fondamentale: cerco sempre di trovare argomenti interessanti e stimolanti e modi di usare questi materiali che siano adatti ai bisogni specifici dei miei studenti.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Gianluca.

1,869 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Parliamo in italiano? Io sono pronto! We can have a chat about the topics you are interested in: including Italian culture, literature, art, music or lifestyle. Possiamo chiacchierare di temi di cui sei interessato: che includono la cultura italiana, la letteratura, l'arte, la musica o lo stile di vita.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 05:15 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Valerio.

2,418 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

2350+ lessons with only 80 students. If you are 2 or 3, I organize group lessons at a lower price Hello everyone, since you are probably here to find a teacher out of several hundred I start to give you advice to choose from: the number of lessons per student is the best index of average student satisfaction. How to calculate this number? Just divide the number of teachers' lessons by the number of his students: for example, if a teacher has 100 lessons with 10 students the number of lessons per student is 100/10 = 10. If you avoid choosing teachers with a low number of lessons per student it will therefore be much more likely that you will have a satisfactory experience! I wish you good learning and, if you choose me, see you soon!!🤗

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Malika.

259 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I can teach Italian, French as a native speaker level. I can help you with English and German too as I have a proficient level. I have few years of experience in teaching to different level of students. We can have conversations and/or I can prepare you for job interviews, exam preparation etc... I'm patient and very systematic giving all the feedback needed to achieve your goals!

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Sebastian Stanley.

1,479 Lessons

Sebastian Stanley

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified native teacher with 20 years of experience and a PhD degree in Linguistics I have 20 years of experience teaching Spanish and 10 years teaching Italian both in companies and in schools and universities. I also do review, correction and translation of papers and academic articles for academic degree, professional qualification, master's theses and doctoral dissertations in Spanish language . I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Noemi.

2,460 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian
Neapolitan (Napoletano)

Autrice di romanzi, laureata in Lingue, tutor di Italiano e di Napoletano dal 2013 I'm an experienced Italian language tutor with a master's degree in Modern Languages. I believe that learning a new language is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences. I'm dedicated to making it an enjoyable and successful journey for my students, helping them achieve their language learning goals. I offer customized lesson plans that cater to each student's individual needs and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, I'll use my expertise in language acquisition and my fluency in Italian and Neapolitan to provide the guidance, resources, and support needed to help you achieve your goals.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Xeni.

2,891 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Language eLearning instructor-examiner (MA Lang. Ed. & Technology)/ BA Spanish Language&Literature My teaching method is mainly student-centered and tailored to your needs so please send me a message with your level and your goals so that I can prepare the appropriate material. I intend to motivate my students for setting long-term learning goals so as to achieve an effective language learning! Having worked as a Greek teacher for foreigners as well as a Spanish & Italian teacher for Greek students in Athens, I can easily adapt my teaching style to your specific needs by applying the ultimate educational theories for successful language learning. Best quality for video lessons, served with fiber 100MBps. PLEASE NOTE THAT MY PRICE INCLUDES EXTENSIVE FEEDBACK AND HOMEWORK CORRECTIONS!!!

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Kenny.

3,930 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Self-employed full-time polyglot teacher and coach. 🔥 Flexible, passionate, energetic and dynamic. Send me a message if you don't find a ⭐ FREE ⭐ spot in my schedule that suits you 👨‍🏫 (8 am - 10 pm CET). I am looking forward to meeting you, listening to you and helping you. If you want to contact me in another language: I speak Spanish and Catalan fluently; I have an intermediate level of Portuguese, German, Afrikaans, Danish and Greek; and I have basic knowledge of Swedish, Polish and Japanese.

USD 19.99/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Roberta.

1,978 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian Tutor I am here on italki as an Italian tutor with the goal of helping you to achieve your speaking fluency target in my native language. Moreover, I am a kind and patient person who understands the difficulties that come when learning something new. So, do not worry to make mistakes and do not hesitate to book a class with me!

USD 7.50/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Antonella Tagliente.

1,439 Lessons

Antonella Tagliente

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Laureata in lingue con esperienza nell'insegnamento 📚💞 Ho già insegnato l'italiano a persone straniere ed è un qualcosa che amo molto. Sono molto disponibile, puntuale e paziente. Non abbiate paura di sbagliare, io vi correggerò.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Marco.

706 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I update my calendar weekly! Send me a message if you can't find a slot! Ho deciso di iniziare questa esperienza perché mi piacerebbe contribuire ad arricchire il lessico e la parlantina di una persona che ha il desiderio di apprendere l'italiano e le sue tante sfaccettature. Sono una persona paziente e disponibile ed intendo instaurare un rapporto piacevole ed appagante, che sia un valore aggiunto e non una fonte di stress. I'm an italian native speaker and I like how the italian language can be used for describing emotions and situations. There are a lot of facets to learn and understand! I'm not a professional teacher, so I can offer a stress-free and informal environment. I have a proactive, outgoing personality with a lot of patience.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher ItalianoConVince🇮🇹.

2,825 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian Fast Track 🇮🇹: Easy, fast, and enjoyable! 🚀 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back 🤝 Sono un insegnante professionista con una laurea in Comunicazione e Linguistica italiana e la certificazione CEDILS (per l'insegnamento della lingua italiana agli stranieri) rilasciata dall'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. Esperienze professionali Ho una ampia esperienza di insegnamento della lingua italiana, con migliaia di ore di lezione, sia online che di persona, con studenti di tutte le parti del mondo. Le mie passioni principali nella vita sono imparare e insegnare, specialmente le lingue straniere. Ogni giorno studio, ricerco e metto alla prova nuove tecniche di insegnamento. La soddisfazione più grande è il riuscire a trovare il metodo giusto per ogni studente.

USD 25.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Gabriel Giuseppe.

2,821 Lessons

Gabriel Giuseppe

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Teaching over 6 years. Expertise grammar+ high level conversation (history, arts, philosophy etc.). I have been teaching for several years. I work with all kind of students from beginner to advanced level from 20 to 90 years old. Most my students have the goal of reaching a high Italian level conversation. Therefore, if it is what you are looking for, I am one of the most suitable teacher you could ever find. As a teacher, I prefer to create a not judgmental environment. My rules are: respect, politeness and to be free talking about anything, doubts, issues, feedbacks without fear of being judged. I am a patient teacher, glad to repeat whenever has needed, I am here to assist and support you. Italian is not a difficult language, no need to feel pressured. Everyone has its own journey.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Mattia.

2,327 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

I am proud of my students! Mi piace creare lezioni divertenti cercando materiale di vostro interesse in modo da non annoiarvi. Ho un’ottima pronuncia , non ho uno specifico accento regionale. Che siate alle prime armi, che vogliate raggiungere una perfetta padronanza della lingua attraverso conversazioni complesse o conoscere la cultura italiana sarò lieto di aiutarvi. I like to make amusing lessons finding teaching materials of your interest. I have an excellent pronunciation, I do not have a specific regional accent.Wheather you are a beginner or you would like to get a perfect proficiency of my language through complex conversations or have a better knowledge of the italian culture I will be glad to help you.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 13:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Ioanna.

721 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Experienced Greek and Italian teacher: University of Athens (Italian literature/Greek as foreign) I always like to create a friendly atmosphere in which we can both feel comfortable. I usually conduct my lessons in Greek as much as I can, so you get used to it, but I can also use English if you like. I have developed a very flexible method, which allow me to teach to students of any level and with different goals, preferences and needs. * Absolute beginners are welcomed!

USD 14.00/trial
Available 05:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher SIMONA GENTILI!!!.

3,011 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Insegnante certificata DILIT e CEDILS con oltre 10 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento *da A2 Ho il Diploma della scuola Dilit IH, il Diploma CEDILS dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia; i crediti universitari per insegnare nella scuola pubblica, sono un esaminatore CELI.... soprattutto sono un'insegnante che riesce ad instaurare un clima rilassato e informale con gli studenti, amichevole, ma professionale.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Margherita Vignali.

1,643 Lessons

Margherita Vignali

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Learning Italian with Margherita - A1 to C2 Sono una persona molto solare e mi piace creare una relazione di stima e amicizia con i miei studenti. Anche io sto affrontando lo studio di qualche lingua straniera, quindi so bene quali sono le difficoltà di questo percorso. I'm a cheerful person and I like to create a relationship of esteem and friendship with my students. I'm also learning foreign languages, so I know the main difficulties of this process. Sou uma pessoa muito alegre e gosto de criar um relacionamento de estima e amizade com meus alunos. Também estou me dedicando ao estudo de algumas línguas estrangeiras, portanto conheço as dificuldades desse caminho.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Zofia.

986 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian
Greek (Ancient)

I am a patient and encouraging teacher that always tries her best to underestand each student’s needs and adjust to them.

USD 8.50/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Marti_Professoressa.

4,785 Lessons


id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified, helpful, patient teacher. Learn naturally, Speak naturally! Prenota subito la lezione! Ciao, mi chiamo Martina. Sono un'insegnante di italiano per stranieri adulti certificata LS/L2 e vivo a Bologna. Nelle mie lezioni ti insegno a parlare l'italiano con gli italiani. ------------------------------ Italian is my native language. Before becoming a teacher I have been a student, I know how difficult is to learn a language so my lessons are plenty of training and support. I can teach you how to use perfect Italian in everyday conversations as well as for your business and study, and I will be happy to teach you more about Italian culture. I got a degree in Foreign Languages at the University of Pisa, which enables me to teach Italian as a second language.

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Italian courses

Finding the right Italian tutor on italki can be a daunting task, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. First, consider your goals and learning style. Are you looking for conversational practice or do you need help with grammar? Do you prefer a structured lesson or a more relaxed approach? Once you’ve determined your needs, use italki’s search filters to narrow down your options. Look for tutors who specialize in your areas of interest, have good reviews, and are available at a time that works for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential tutors and ask questions before booking a lesson. A good tutor will be happy to discuss their teaching style and answer any questions you may have. Lastly, be open-minded and willing to try different tutors until you find the right fit for you.

Yes, the required textbooks and materials for online Italian courses may vary depending on the tutor or course provider. Some tutors may provide their own materials while others may require the use of specific textbooks or workbooks. It is important to check with your Italian tutor or course provider before starting the course to ensure that you have the necessary materials.

In addition to textbooks, many online Italian courses offer interactive online resources such as videos, audio recordings, and online quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Some courses may also offer access to online language learning platforms or apps for additional practice and reinforcement. By having access to the appropriate materials and resources, you can make the most out of your online Italian course and improve your language skills effectively.

At italki, there are several payment options available to pay for online Italian classes and courses. You can choose to pay through various online payment methods such as PayPal, Alipay, or credit cards. You can also purchase italki Credits, which is the official currency used on the platform.

To purchase italki Credits, you can go to your account settings and choose the amount of credits you wish to purchase. Once you have purchased the credits, they will be added to your italki account, and you can use them to pay for your Italian lessons with your preferred tutor. italki Credits can also be used to purchase lesson packages, which can help you save money in the long run.

It is worth noting that the prices for Italian classes and courses vary depending on the tutor’s qualifications and experience. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rates of different tutors before booking a lesson. Additionally, some tutors offer discounts or promotions, so it is worth keeping an eye out for those as well.

Yes, you can schedule Italian classes according to your own availability on italki. When searching for Italian tutors on italki, you can filter your search by selecting the preferred day and time of your classes. This allows you to find a tutor whose availability matches yours. Once you have chosen a tutor, you can view their schedule and select a time slot that works for you. The tutor will then confirm the time slot, and the class will be scheduled. Additionally, some Italian tutors offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to reschedule or cancel classes up to a certain time before the scheduled class without penalty. This makes it easier for you to manage your Italian classes and adjust them according to your availability.

Yes, you can definitely take Italian classes online even if you’re a beginner. In fact, online Italian classes are a great option for beginners as they provide a comfortable and convenient environment to learn the language at your own pace. Most online Italian tutors are experienced in teaching beginners and will start with the basics such as the Italian alphabet, numbers, and simple phrases. They will gradually introduce you to more complex grammar and vocabulary as you progress in your learning journey. You can also expect to engage in a variety of learning activities such as role-playing, conversation practice, and listening exercises. With the help of an experienced online Italian tutor, you can quickly build a strong foundation in the language and achieve your language learning goals.

Ready to start learning Italian today? Sign up now to find the perfect Italian teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!