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Our platform connects you with the best Japanese teachers from around the world. You can browse through their profiles, read reviews from other students, and choose the perfect Japanese teacher for you.

Learn Japanese with the teacher TAKA (GIAPPOLIA TV).

1,263 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I have had the opportunity to talk with people from many different countries, and each time I have taught them a little about Japanese culture and the language, I have a desire to explain my country to people from more countries. The most important thing when I learned a foreign language was to increase the opportunities to use that language. No matter how much you study, if you don't use it often, you'll spend a lot of time learning it. For the above reasons, I decided that it is important to focus on conversation-centered free-talk in my lessons, first of all, to create many opportunities for you to talk about topics you like, so that you can get used to speaking.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 13:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Ken 鈴木 健.

3,586 Lessons

Ken 鈴木 健

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Relaxed, soft-spoken, detailed. 平易近人,轻松,详细 As a community teacher, I think I’m best suited for your native Japanese conversation practice partner. With this said, I’m now learning the type of Japanese grammar useful for foreign students so that I can answer your basic grammar questions. I believe in the importance of output and repeated practice. So, in my class, I encourage you to relax and speak much, while to master the stuff you’ve learned by repetition and frequent review. 刚开始当老师,我应该适合当你的日语会话练习伙伴。对于日语语法针对外国学习者的,我在天天学习。已经学过的,我会随机分享给你的 我相信练习和复习很重要。所以在我的课程中,我会一边鼓励你轻松随便多多讲,同时也会鼓励你重复练习,又复习学过的。这样知识会根深蒂固吧 あたらしいせんせいのわたしは、かいわのれんしゅうの あいてに よいとおもいます。がいこくじんむけの ぶんぽうも まいにち べんきょうしています たくさん はなすことが たいせつです。リラックスし わたしとたのしく たくさん はなしましょう。

USD 6.70/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yoko Katsurauma.

6,927 Lessons

Yoko Katsurauma

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese


USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Martynas 賴瑞森.

8,225 Lessons

Martynas 賴瑞森

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Qualified teacher with 5 years of experience. Taught more than 5000 online classes. I am aware that some students might not have easy access to good French study materials so I will be willing to share my textbooks with you. Throughout the years I have accumulated a wide array of materials for all levels and interests coming from all of the threemain French publishers Hachette, Cle and Didier. These will come in handy should your goal in taking the lessons be school or test preparation or if you are a linguistically minded person. I possess the experience and the materials necessary to help you prepare for DELF, DALF and TCF exams. For the Japanese classes I use Minnanonihongo I&II (みんなの日本語I&II) and Genki I&II (げんきI&II).

USD 15.00/trial
Available 13:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Hiro Miyamoto 🚄.

11.6k Lessons

Hiro Miyamoto 🚄

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

🗓️ Feel free to contact me, what plans do you have and try to do!! I've been a Japanese tutor for about eight years on italki. I have several courses that you can choose from. I can also customize the lesson plan to meet your specific goals. I'll do my best for you! アイトーキーのチューターを8年しています。いくつかコースがあるので、選んでください。 あなたの明確な目標に向けて、授業予定をお好みに合わせて変更できます。 — I‘m a good listener and patient. — — I aim to create a relaxed and comfortable class atmosphere. — - I'm a member of Kobe Foreigners Friendship Center. - Feel free to contact me, what plans do you have and try to do. - I appreciate that you'll start from zero with me!

USD 8.80/trial
Available 12:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Megumi  Na.

2,633 Lessons

Megumi Na

id verified
Test Preparation
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

🌸一緒にがんばろうよ! Top of 1% teacher in 2022. I am always excited to meet new students here :) I have been using italki since May 2021 and have been ranked in the top 1% of Japanese teachers in 2022! For the past 5 years, I have been teaching Japanese, English, and essay writing to Japanese students up to the age of 18 as a professional. Now I am still continuing it. Learning Japanese can be difficult at first, but I will help you every step of the way so that you can use this wonderful language with confidence. I always strive to provide satisfying and effective lessons. Let's start learning Japanese with Megumi! Today, I reached 2,500 lessons on italki! (August 8, 2024) Thank you for everyone!!

USD 14.00/trial
Available 23:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher ⭐Hiroya (ひろや)⭐.

8,399 Lessons

⭐Hiroya (ひろや)⭐

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Come to my lesson and try to speak Japanese! Don't worry if you make a mistake! I will support you! I am often described by my students as a very easy to talk to teacher. I have had a lot of students take my classes. I have had many students take my classes, and they often say that I am easy to talk to. I myself am interested in new things, different people's ways of thinking, different things, and different cultures, so I love to listen to what people have to say. So, if you are not good at speaking and want to become good at it, I think a teacher like me is right for you.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher ゆき (Yuki).

795 Lessons

ゆき (Yuki)

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Learn Japanese in a Stress-Free, Friendly Atmosphere with a Supportive Teacher :) Depending on your current Japanese level or demands, I change how I teach. If you are not very confident about listening or speaking Japanese yet, I can use more English in lessons. I am very patient as a person, and I like to giving compliments to motivate students. I would like my students to feel relaxed in my lessons so that they can speak Japanese even more spontaneously. (If they are not feeling comfortable, it is difficult to ask questions too.) So I always make sure my lessons are fun and not too intense :) I hope you can enjoy the learning experience with me!

USD 9.00/trial
Available 23:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuki.

29 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

👔Interview 📚JLPT N2/N1 😊Daily conversation [Intermediate/Advanced Specialist] 🤝[あなたとわたし] ・あなたと私はBuddy(相棒)です ・毎回のレッスンが楽しみになるようにリラックスした雰囲気を作ります ・学習ノートを作成しあなたと共有します(復習に使えます) ・目標が達成できるまで全力サポート! あなたの夢は何ですか?人は何かに挑戦する時、心が折れそうになる時があります。そんな時は、応援してくれる人が必要です。1人で悩まないで!私はあなたに優しく寄り添う相棒です。行こう!夢の向こうへ!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Lonika.

140 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

日本語の歌を教えられます!カジュアルな会話を楽しみたい人や、関西弁を話したい人も、私のレッスンに来てください:) 私はプロの先生ではありません。 だからこそ、あなたはリラックスして私との会話を楽しんでください! 言語の学習は、とても難しいことです。 私にはその気持ちがよくわかります。私も英語学習者だからです。 たくさん間違えても大丈夫!あなたが自然に話したくなるような楽しいレッスンを、私は目指します。 また、私はあなたの好きなことや、興味のあることを大事にします。 学習において1番大切なことは「好き」という気持ちだと信じているからです。 - I am not a professional teacher. Therefore you should relax and enjoy your conversation with me! Learning a different language can be very difficult. I know how it feels. I am an English learner myself. It's okay if you make a lot of mistakes! I aim to make the lessons so fun that you will naturally want to speak. Also, I will prioritize what you like and what you are interested in. This is because I believe that the most important thing in learning is the feeling of "love."

USD 5.00/trial
Available 03:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Misa.

8,752 Lessons


id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Wed & Sat Morning slots(JST) are closed to new students🌻 Develop good study habits with MISA🔥 🗣Example of Guided Courses 1. Follow a structured lesson plan 2. Understand the grammar and vocabulary 3. Pattern practice 4. Practice in conversations 5. Practice writing through homework (optional) *On-the-spot correction 📖 Textbooks ・JLPT:    日本語総まとめ、新完全マスター、20日で合格、Kanji Master ・Beginner:   Genki、Marugoto、みんなの日本語 ・Intermediate:Tobira、カルテット、みんなの日本語 ・Advanced: 応相談 ・Business:  応相談 (CV/Resume, interview, e-mail, keigo, etc.) ・Travel:    Genki *If you use other books, please let me know! 🖐️ Caution ・Copyright © 2024 Misa for all original content including my profile video, profile description, and lesson description.

USD 20.00/Hour
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher ⭐️KEISUKE⭐️.

2,607 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Learning a new language takes as long as a marathon. Would you like to run this journey with me?😊😁 I am a curious person and have a lot of experience through traveling and various jobs :) As a professional teacher, I will make sure you learn Japanese well while having a fun conversation with lots of materials! Soy curioso y tengo mucha experiencia a través de viajes y diferentes trabajos:) Como profesor profesional, me aseguraré de que aprendas bien el japonés, con mucho material didáctico y conversaciones divertidas. Tengo el nivel B1 de DELE por lo cual ayudará su aprendizaje del estudio de Japonés. 私は好奇心が強くて、旅行やいろいろな仕事を通じてたくさんの人生経験があります:) 楽しい教材をつかって楽しい会話をしながら、プロの講師としてあなたの日本語学習をサポートします! 語学学習はマラソンのように、長い道のりを自分のペースで走っていくことによく似ていると私は思います。あなたの語学学習と言う長い道のりに、長く寄り添っていけたら嬉しいです🌸

USD 7.00/trial
Available 14:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yoko【ようこ】.

245 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Both children and adults are welcome! I am friendly so relax and don't be afraid to make mistakes! 《My qualifications/experience》 I am certified as a "Children's Japanese Language Instructor" and "Advanced Children's Japanese Language Instructor" by Association of Japanese Language for Children (AJLC). I have learned teaching methods specific to children. ★2023年2月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定 “こども日本語指導者資格コース” 合格🎉 ★2023年4月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定“こども日本語上級指導者資格コース”合格🎉 Currently, I am teaching Japanese to beginner-level junior high school student both face-to-face and online. I am studying to become a professional Japanese teacher!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Naru.

88 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Flexible teaching style that suits your language learning needs! Let's learn together! I've got extensive experience in teaching both beginner-level Japanese learners as well as business-level Japanese.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 09:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher いちろう.

4,448 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

カンボジアで2年、フィリピンで2年「みんなの日本語」を使って教えた経験があります。 After completing the 420-hour Japanese language teacher training course Domestic (1 year) private lessons (American/Australian) and class lessons (multinational) Cambodia (2 years) for technical internship candidates Philippines (2 years) for technical internship candidates and special skill candidates In both cases, I was in charge of N5 and N4 (using Minna no Nihongo).

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Kazu.

270 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

🌞Super friendly and passionate teacher🎸 私は日本語を教えた経験が沢山あります。 日本語を学びたい人に教えたり、助けたりするのが好きです。 みなさんの日本語学習の役に立ち、そして日本についてもっと知ってほしいです。 I have a lot of experiences to teach Japanese. I Like to teach and help for people who want to learn Japanese. I am going to help your Japanese skills and want you to know more about Japan.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 20:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Junko.

867 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I teach English so I know how to teach Japanese in English. 英語を教える仕事をしていて、日本語を教えたいと思うようになりました。やりがいを1番感じるのは、生徒さんの成長を感じたときです。italkiでも、たくさんの生徒さんの日本語学習の成長のお役に立ちたいと思っています。生徒さんの要望に沿って、満足度の高いレッスンをしていけるよう頑張ります。よろしくお願いいたします。 I've always wanted to teach Japanese because teaching English makes me very happy and motivates me more. I feel very satisfied when I see my students' learning abilities are improved. I will do my best to give the most satisfactory lessons.

USD 7.50/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Emi.

1,917 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

日本語ゼロでも大丈夫! 一緒に勉強しましょう。Don' t worry even if you are a beginner. I taught some elementary school students who came to Japan and didn't know Japanese at all. I taught them from Hiragana,greetings and also told them about life style in Japan. I was by their side and also supported school lessons. And I taught some International students how to prepare for JLPT. They enjoyed studying with quizzes I made. Now I teach some American students who have returned to America. 私は日本語ゼロで日本に住むことになった小学生に日本語を教えました。ひらがなや挨拶から始まり、日本での生活についても話しました。彼らのそばについて学校の授業のサポートもしました。 また、大学の留学生にJLPT対策のクイズを作り、楽しくクイズをしながらJLPTの勉強を教えました。 今、アメリカに戻ったアメリカの学生に日本語を教えています。

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yurika Yamaguchi.

3,018 Lessons

Yurika Yamaguchi

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

元気でフレンドリーな先生🌝✨ 9/23-28 お休みです🏝️ I have experience teaching Japanese to my Mexican friend and I love it so mush, so I started italki. Since I've learned English, I know how hard it is to learn other language. With my experiences, I realized the best way to improve is to talk with native speaker and have fun with it. I would like to help you improve your Japanese whatever your level is. メキシコ人の友達に日本語を教えていたことがあり、その時に日本語を教える楽しさを知りました。どんなレベルでも、その人に合わせたレベルで日本語を話します☺️間違えても大丈夫です。間違えからたくさん学ぶことができます。たくさん話して日本語を上達させていきましょう!

USD 8.50/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher NAOYA.

5,378 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Feel free to contact me or take a trial lesson! I'd love to help you achieve your goal! よろしくおねがいします! [For adult learners] わたしは これまで 約(やく)3年間(ねんかん)、 Italkiで 3000レッスン以上(いじょう)、 200人(にん)以上(いじょう)の生徒(せいと)たちに 日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えました。 I have been teaching Japanese to over 100 students and offering over 1000 lessons on Italki for about 1 year. それから わたしは 日本語学習者(にほんごがくしゅうしゃ)のための ウェブサイトを 無料(むりょう)で 提供(ていきょう)しています。 Also, I'm running my own website for Japanese learners for free. [For parents and guardians of kids who want to learn Japanese] わたしは 以前(いぜん) カナダで ボランティアとして 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えていました。 I was teaching Japanese to kids as a volunteer in Canada. いま Italkiで わたしは 子供(こども)たちにも 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えています。 I am currently teaching Japanese to kids as well on Italki.

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Japanese classes

At italki, you can easily find the right Japanese teacher for you by using our search filters. You can filter teachers by their experience level, teaching style, availability, and even their location. We recommend taking a trial lesson with a few different teachers to see which one you feel most comfortable with and whose teaching style best matches your learning goals. During the trial lesson, you can ask the teacher about their teaching methods, experience, and availability. You can also check their profile for reviews from previous students to get an idea of their teaching effectiveness. Ultimately, finding the right Japanese tutor online is a personal decision, and it’s important to find someone you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, the Japanese lessons offered by italki are suitable for beginners. In fact, many of the teachers specialize in teaching Japanese to beginners. They use a variety of teaching methods and materials to ensure that students with no prior knowledge of Japanese can learn effectively. For example, teachers may use textbooks, audio and video materials, and other resources to help students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Additionally, some teachers may offer specialized courses that are designed specifically for beginners, such as introductory courses that focus on basic grammar and vocabulary. Regardless of your level of Japanese proficiency, italki offers a wide range of classes and teachers to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, you can learn Japanese at your own pace with italki. Our online Japanese courses are designed to accommodate all levels of learners, including beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners. You can choose a Japanese teacher who is specialized in teaching Japanese to beginners if you are just starting out.

One of the biggest advantages of learning Japanese with italki is that you can set your own pace for learning. Unlike traditional language classes where you have to follow a fixed syllabus and pace, with italki, you can choose how many classes you want to take each week and how long you want to study. You can also choose to take a break from classes whenever you need to and come back to them when you are ready.

Additionally, with italki, you have the flexibility to choose the type of classes that suit your learning style and pace. You can choose one-on-one lessons or group classes, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language, such as speaking, listening, reading, or writing. This allows you to learn Japanese at your own pace and focus on the areas that are most important to you.

At italki, we understand that sometimes schedules can change, and we make it easy to reschedule or cancel your Japanese lessons. You can contact your teacher directly to reschedule a lesson if you need to. Please note that if you need to reschedule or cancel a lesson, you should do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged for the lesson. If you cancel a lesson within 24 hours of the scheduled time, you will be charged for the lesson.

If you need to cancel a lesson for an emergency or unexpected event, please contact italki support as soon as possible to explain the situation. Our support team will work with you and your teacher to find a suitable solution.

It’s important to remember that building a good relationship with your Japanese teacher is key to success in your language learning journey, so open communication is encouraged.

At italki, there are multiple payment methods available for online Japanese lessons. You can pay using credit cards, PayPal, Alipay, or other methods depending on your location. To pay for a lesson, you need to purchase italki credits, which can then be used to pay for the lessons you take. The cost of each lesson depends on the teacher’s rate and the length of the lesson. Once you have enough credits, you can book a lesson with your chosen Japanese teacher and pay for it using your credits. After the lesson, your credits will be deducted based on the length of the lesson. You can also set up automatic payments so that you don’t need to manually purchase credits each time you book a lesson. It’s a simple and secure way to pay for online Japanese lessons on italki.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn Japanese from the comfort of your own home. Browse our selection of experienced Japanese tutors and enroll in your first lesson now!