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Learn Spanish online with experienced tutors

Our experienced Spanish tutors offer online lessons and classes that are tailored to your needs. You can learn at your own pace and practice your speaking skills with native speakers. Our platform is user-friendly and flexible, making it easy to book and schedule your lessons.

Learn Spanish with the teacher Emma Spanish.

2,930 Lessons

Emma Spanish

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

I Have More than 7 years of experience teaching Spanish Mi objetivo como profesor es poder ayudar de una manera dinámica y divertida a mis alumnos a aprender español. Brindándoles en mi mas que un simple profesor, mi objetivo es poder brindarle mi amistad y mi confianza para que puedan expresarse sin temor al momento de hablar y si cometen algún error ayudarlos a corregirlos y así puedan desarrollarse en el idioma.

USD 30.00/trial
Available 01:45 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Mariana Fournier.

1,674 Lessons

Mariana Fournier

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Spanish for Beginners, Intermediates, Advanced Conversation and Business! If you are looking for a partner who teach you native Spanish and give you a hand in the journey, I'm the one! I understand that learning a new language is difficult, challenging and scary (believe me, I've been there) but my goal is to first teach you the basics and then take them to the next level! I am a patient teacher, I like emphasizing the most important details and explaining how many times needed to guarantee a good learning. I utilize different tools to take advantage of time and to have dynamic class.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Simone.

1,750 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutor with over 6 years of teaching experience, 1500 lessons and 210 students on Italki Professional but easygoing teacher. I have the ability to explain well and to put the student at ease. I adapt to the student and I like teaching while having fun.

USD 9.99/trial
Available 04:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Ana Bardales.

892 Lessons

Ana Bardales

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

I have around a year of experience teaching Spanish to people of all ages, and for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. I have taught using several different techniques and methods that are geared towards improving your learning in an easy way, be it in areas of grammar, improving your conversational abilities, listening comprehension, pronunciation, and more. I am very patient, and as someone who has studied both Spanish and English for many years, I understand the challenges that learning a language can present, and can personally relate to the student as they embark on this journey.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Ariel Valentinelli.

697 Lessons

Ariel Valentinelli

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Eleva tu nivel de español de forma orgánica y sorprende a todos. Conversemos de temas interesantes y aprende español naturalmente. Mi objetivo principal es convertirme en tu compañero de idiomas para que puedas aprender español de forma natural y efectiva. Soy una persona tranquila y paciente, y considero que los errores son una parte esencial del proceso de aprendizaje. Te ofrezco un ambiente relajado y sin estrés, donde podrás sentirte cómodo y expresarte libremente. Adapto las lecciones a tus necesidades con una estrategia personalizada que te lleve a alcanzarlos de manera efectiva. Te brindo apoyo constante, respondiendo a tus preguntas y con retroalimentación constructiva para que puedas mejorar de manera continua.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Cindi P..

Cindi P.

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Profesor de español con experiencia: Clases dinámicas y personalizadas para todos los niveles Mi Experiencia Cuento con 4 años de experiencia enseñando a estudiantes de todas las edades y niveles. He trabajado en plataformas como Preply y ayudando a numerosos estudiantes a alcanzar sus objetivos lingüísticos. Mis clases están diseñadas para ser interactivas y adaptadas a las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante, asegurando un aprendizaje efectivo y divertido. Como profesora, creo en la importancia de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje amigable y motivador. Utilizo un enfoque comunicativo y contextualizado para enseñar español, lo que significa que enfoco mis clases en el uso práctico del idioma en situaciones reales. Mis lecciones son dinámicas e interactivas.

USD 5.00/Hour
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher ⭐ DaiMA⭐.

3,228 Lessons

⭐ DaiMA⭐

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Soy licenciada en filología hispánica pero siempre me apasionó el mundo de la educación, por ello en 2015 realicé el máster en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE). He trabajado con estudiantes de diversos países y con diferentes niveles de lengua. Tengo experiencia en la enseñanza de ELE para fines específicos: negocios, médico, viajes, para aplicar a exámenes internacionales o para uso cotidiano. Después de cada sesión se enviará al estudiante un resumen detallado de los apuntes de la clase, material específico para trabajar las habilidades que quiera o necesite mejorar y actividades de tarea que serán revisadas en la siguiente sesión.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher ⭐Graciela Arana.

1,042 Lessons

⭐Graciela Arana

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Phonetics Pro & Communication Coach🗣️ Elevate Your Spanish, Perfect Pronunciation! 🚀 ⭐ Graduate and master's degree as a speech and communication therapist and expert in Spanish phonetics. 🎓 I am friendly and respectful; with me, you will feel in a safe and trusting space to learn and practice your Spanish. I have more than 7 years of experience in education and I have worked with people of different nationalities and languages. In addition, I have a master's degree in specialized communication, so I can help you acquire the necessary tools to make your communication much more professional.

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Samuel Buchanan.

478 Lessons

Samuel Buchanan

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

I have over 7 years of experience teaching both Spanish and English to non-native speakers. I studied at Morehouse College and La Universidad de Veritas where I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish. I taught for a year in Japan, 5 months in Costa Rica and people all over the world virtually. I also teach children occasionally in various US charter schools. I am excited to teach you Spanish and English, and I am confident you will enjoy our time together!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 12:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Thea.

2,085 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Polyglot and language teacher with 10 years of experience 📚 I'm pretty easy-going, and an eternal learner! I would love to discuss any hobbies you may have, especially if they are related to language-learning, music, reading, and so on. Let me know if you have a very specific topic you want to talk about as well!

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Language with Ixchel.

3,405 Lessons

Language with Ixchel

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish
Mexican Sign Language (LSM)
Yucatec Maya
American Sign Language (ASL)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Greek (Ancient)

Hyperpolyglot with over 8 years of teaching experience, focusing on active and natural learning As a multifaceted person who learns and speaks more than 35 languages, I will guide you to: 🔹Enjoy and be patient with your own process 🔸Efficiently immerse yourself in languages from an intuitive approach 🔹Put different learning methods, techniques and strategies into practice 🔸Become a self-taught learner and your own teacher 🔹Set realistic and precise goals and recognize your own achievements 🔸Maintain self-discipline, perseverance and active curiosity 🔹Develop versatile, critical and historical thinking in many languages ✨During my experience I've also taught to people who are deaf or blind, have dyslexia, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Erlenzi.

1,952 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Language teacher convinced of the importance to students of having an active mindset I have long professional experience in planning lessons based on the interests of each particular student, and in crafting lessons according to their academic level and age. In every lesson I seek to elicit the student’s trust and enjoyment, because these are necessary factors in making the learning process pleasurable and motivating. My experience as both a teacher and a student have allowed me to understand that real learning is found when there is interest, enjoyment, and practical application. My greatest satisfaction comes when a student develops his understanding and is enthusiastic about moving further forward.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 01:45 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Orlando.

557 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Friendly tutor with more than 50 students Voy a ayudarte a que puedas mejorar en el enriquecimiento de tu vocabulario, en la gramática, pronunciación y entonación de las palabras y frases, estaré atento a cualquier duda que tengas sobre este idioma, yo con mucho gusto y paciencia te ayudaré.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 01:45 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Enrique Pastor.

301 Lessons

Enrique Pastor

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Trabajo como profesor de inglés para hispanohablantes así como profesor de español. Soy una persona disciplinada y me gusta preparar el contenido de cada clases. Realizo un seguimiento particularizado para cada alumno. Me encanta enseñar y disfruto de ver el progreso de los alumnos y su espíritu humilde y sus ganas de querer aprender cosas nuevas.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 12:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Wilder Manrique.

Wilder Manrique

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Cumplir una meta te hace feliz 😄 y deseo ser parte de tu meta. Gracias a la experiencia que he adquirido en mis pasados 19 años de enseñanza, he aprendido cualidades como la paciencia, amabilidad y adaptabilidad. He logrado entender que cada estudiante aprender de manera distinta, así que mis clases serán personalizadas según tu necesidad y circunstancias. Así como cuando éramos niños aprendimos nuestra lengua mediante la conversación, durante cada lección disfrutaremos de conversaciones agradables, divertidas y didácticas lo que te permitirán entender y pronunciar mejor tu español, el cual es un hermoso idioma.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Gregori bello.

53 Lessons

Gregori bello

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutor nativo con 5 años de experiencia que puede hacer que hables español correctamente Tengo 4 años de experiencia enseñando en distintas áreas como la mecánica, liderazgo e idiomas. Además he realizado cursos en dicción y oratoria, lo que hace que posea dominio de este idioma. Me encanta siempre innovar los métodos de clases y así poder ayudar a mis estudiantes con sus objetivos para que ellos puedan desarrollar la capacidad de hablar, oír, leer y escribir. Mis lecciones, materiales y ejercicios son personalizados.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 01:45 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Roxanna Penagos.

3,265 Lessons

Roxanna Penagos

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Colombian/Paisa Spanish Teacher 👩🏼‍🏫 -More than 3000 classes with 700 students from all over the world. -Certified ELE Teacher - Tesol Certified -Bachelors in Languages -Lived in United States over 2 years and studied English. - 5 years of teaching experience. - I use books,pdfs, images, videos, stories, podcast, movies, series etc.. I am a visual teacher.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Beatriz Bello.

5,633 Lessons

Beatriz Bello

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Teacher for children and adults with over 3 years of experience.🐝😊 As my first language is Spanish, I have an extensive vocabulary and extensive knowledge of the language, I have also received training as a Spanish as a Second Language instructor at the Cloud Forest School located in Costa Rica, and have been certificated certified as a Spanish teacher by the Miguel de Cervantes European University and ELEInternacional. ⭐️ I already have three years of working as a Spanish teacher. ⭐️ I am extremely patient ⭐️ I enjoy teaching Spanish, so I keep learning with new courses.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Guillermo Gerbaudo.

780 Lessons

Guillermo Gerbaudo

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Cultural and legal Spanish ⭐😁🌟 Encontrarás en mi un profesor amable y atento a tus necesidades e intereses. Sabré adaptarme a lo que me pidas, sea que quieras tener un conocimiento general del idioma o aprender hasta el último detalle. Tu pondrás los límites! Encontrarás en mi un profesor especializado en la cultura hispanoamericana con formación académica en Derecho e investigación. You will find in me a kind and thoughtful teacher, attentive to your needs and interests. I will be able to adapt to your requests, whether you want just to have a general knowledge of the language or learn even the smallest detail. You will set the limits! I'm also specialised in Latin American and Spanish culture with an academic background

USD 5.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Gabriela.

481 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Professional Linguist and Language Tutor with 4 years experience teaching Spanish I understand that learning a new language can be daunting sometimes, but I am patient with my students and I am always happy to help with any questions. There is no pressure to learn in a certain way. I always listen to my students' needs and goals to help them learn more efficiently. _________________ Entiendo que aprender un nuevo idioma puede ser abrumador, pero soy muy paciente con mis alumnos y siempre estoy dispuesta a ayudarlos con cualquier pregunta que tengan. Siempre escucho a mis estudiantes para ayudarlos a alcanzar sus objetivos y aprender el idioma de manera más efectiva.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 12:00 Tomorrow
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions

At italki, finding the right Spanish tutor for you is easy. First, you can browse through a list of experienced and qualified tutors based on their teaching experience, ratings, and student reviews. You can also filter your search results based on your preferred level of proficiency, availability, and hourly rate.

Once you’ve selected a tutor, you can schedule a trial lesson to get a feel for their teaching style and to see if you’re a good fit for each other. During the trial lesson, you can discuss your language learning goals and interests and see if the tutor can help you achieve them.

At italki, you can also join a language exchange community to practice your Spanish with native speakers or other language learners. With the flexibility of scheduling and learning options available, italki can help you find the right Spanish tutor that fits your learning style, budget, and goals.

Yes, absolutely! Our online Spanish lessons and classes are perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn the language. We have a wide range of experienced and certified Spanish tutors who are experts at teaching Spanish to beginners. Our tutors will work with you to assess your current level of Spanish proficiency and develop a personalized study plan that caters to your individual needs and learning style.

Our Spanish lessons and classes for beginners cover a variety of topics, including basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversation skills. Our tutors use a range of teaching methods, including interactive activities, multimedia resources, and conversation practice, to help you improve your Spanish language skills quickly and effectively. Whether you are looking to learn Spanish for work, travel, or personal enrichment, our online Spanish lessons and classes provide the perfect opportunity to achieve your goals.

Yes, at italki, you can learn Spanish online at your own pace. We offer a flexible and personalized learning experience where you can choose your own tutor, schedule your lessons, and learn at a pace that suits you. Our tutors understand that everyone has different learning styles, goals, and preferences, and they will work with you to create a customized learning plan that fits your needs. You can take as many or as few lessons as you like, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language that you want to improve. Additionally, our platform offers a range of materials and resources to help you practice and reinforce what you learn during your lessons. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you can find a tutor and a learning plan that works for you and learn Spanish at your own pace.

At italki, we understand that unexpected situations can arise, which may require you to reschedule or cancel a lesson with your Spanish tutor. We have a flexible cancellation policy that allows you to reschedule or cancel your lesson up to 24 hours before the scheduled start time. If you cancel or reschedule within the 24-hour period, you will be charged for the lesson.

To reschedule or cancel a lesson, simply log into your italki account, go to the “My Lessons” page, and select the lesson you want to reschedule or cancel. You can then choose to either reschedule the lesson for a different time or cancel it altogether. If you choose to reschedule, you can work with your tutor to find a new time that works for both of you.

We understand that unexpected situations may arise that require you to cancel a lesson within the 24-hour period. In these cases, we recommend contacting your tutor directly to discuss the situation and see if an alternative solution can be found.

Overall, our goal is to make the rescheduling or cancellation process as smooth and flexible as possible, while also ensuring that our tutors are fairly compensated for their time and effort.

At italki, there are several payment options available for online Spanish lessons and classes. Firstly, you can add credits to your italki account using a credit card, PayPal, or other payment methods. Once you have added credits, you can use them to book lessons with your chosen Spanish tutor. You can also pay directly to your tutor using PayPal or other payment methods agreed upon by both parties.

The payment process is secure and reliable. italki ensures that your payment information is protected and kept confidential. Moreover, if you have any payment issues or concerns, you can contact italki’s support team, and they will assist you in resolving the issue.

Overall, italki provides flexible and convenient payment options for online Spanish lessons and classes, ensuring that the process is smooth and hassle-free for all students.

Book your first online Spanish lesson today and start learning with our experienced tutors!