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I've been an active student on italki for the past eleven months, and I have been immensely enjoying and benefiting from Tarek's Levantine Arabic classes in particular. I recently learned that italki plans to change the certification requirements for instructors, requiring them to provide certification in business, standardized test preparation, or children's education. I believe that this policy suffers from a serious blindspot. Many of your students, myself included, have come to the study of foreign languages out of an interest in literature and informal conversation. It seems to me ridiculous that a teacher holding a graduate degree in the humanities would be considered uncertified under the new policy, while a teacher holding an MBA would be considered certified. Tarek, to take the example that concerns me most, holds a PhD in Irish Literature, is a native speaker of Levantine Arabic, and has extensive teaching experience in a university setting in addition to hundreds upon hundreds of hours of experience teaching Arabic (both MSA/Fusha and Levantine) as a second language. He is, to my mind, eminently qualified to teach Arabic courses on this platform, and the platform is lucky to have him. If he is no longer supported as a teacher under the new policy, I will without hesitation take my business elsewhere, and I will advise the friends and family members to whom I once heartily recommended italki to do the same. The prioritization of business accreditation over extensive training in the humanities betrays a serious misjudgement of why many of us study languages in the first place. It ignores the most meaningful and beautiful forms that the use of language can take. I urge italki to reconsider this policy, which to my mind would spell ruin for the italki platform as a whole.
10 de sep. de 2024 14:29
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