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Why do I learn English? When I learned English in school, I just wanted to get a good score in English examination. I didn't dare to open my mouth speaking English. I was shy and worried about making mistakes. Two years ago, I found this application, I begined to practicing listening skill and spoken English. Now I don't need to take any English examination, but I have much interested in English. Learning a new language likes open a window, let me know the world outside. I'm enjoying to communicate with people from different countries ,making some interesting friends and sharing our culture each other. It's fantastic. 我为什么要学习英语? 当我在学校学习英语时,我只是想在英语考试中取得好成绩。我不敢开口说英语。我很害羞,担心犯错误。 两年前,我发现了这个应用程序,我开始练习听力和口语。现在我不需要参加任何英语考试,但我对英语有着更浓厚的兴趣。学习一门新的语言就像打开一扇窗户,让我了解外面的世界。我喜欢与来自不同国家的人交流,结交一些有趣的朋友,互相分享我们的文化。这太棒了。
13 de sep. de 2024 23:56
Please point out the weird place. I want to share a story happened in April 3rd, 2024. It was my real experience. On that day, as usual, I woke up early and drove my electric scooter with sports shoes on my foot, carrying a baozi as my breakfast, being the first one to arrive at the office. I was working in the financial department. As I arrived at the office, I unlocked the door, turned on the light, put my bags on my desk. Then, I changed my sports shoes to loafers. Then I fill my jug with hot water and make some tea. That's my daily routine before I have my breakfast. as I sat on my chair enjoying my baozi with tea, I felt like sitting on a boat. I was very doubt if I sit incorrectly that block blood flow and the beating pulse in my leg led to this kind of wave. I stood up for seconds, then sit back. But the feeling didn't stop. Suddenly, I heard very strange sounds coming from the ceiling of the building and I noticed the whole building was shaking. I was on the 19th floor, the top of the building. That might be an earthquake! I jumped up, one hand grasping my phone, one hand holding my baozi, and rushed into the safety stairs. the soles of my loafers were so hard that I couldn't make it quick to down the stairs. I was really afraid of twisting my ankle. If I hurt, it would greatly reduce my escaping opportunity. When I was escaping, a man ran passing me very quickly, I was very sad at that moment. My heart was beating very fast. When I reached the ground, I quickly found an open area and observed around. I was very surprised to see the people on the street act normally. Even some people were entering this building. I didn't wear my coat but it was raining outside. I felt cold. I didn't bring my key of electric scooter or my home key so I couldn't go back home. but the good news was that I brought my phone with my instinct. (continue in reply)
14 de sep. de 2024 6:04
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