下午茶 Afternoon tea (Beginner)
下午茶 Afternoon tea (Beginner)
5 de septiembre de 2022
In this episode we are going to learn 【Afternoon tea】in Chinese. -------------------------------------------------- As a beginner, there're some vocabularies that you didn't learn before, and native speaker's speed seems too fast to understand. But don't worry, let's do it step by step. 1st time: listen and catch the words you know already, have a guess about the content. 2nd time: look at the text to check if you guessed it right. 3rd time: listen one more time, repeat after it. 4th time: practice until you can speak as the normal speed without looking at the text. -------------------------------------------------- 你有喝下午茶的习惯吗? nǐ yǒu hē xià wǔ chá de xí guàn ma ? Do you have the habit of having afternoon tea? 有时候我会点下午茶的外卖。 yǒu shí hòu wǒ huì diǎn xià wǔ chá de wài mài 。 Sometimes I order food delivery for afternoon tea. 我最喜欢的是奶茶、柠檬茶和炸鸡。 wǒ zuì xǐ huān de shì nǎi chá 、 níng méng chá hé zhá jī 。 My favorites are milk tea, lemon tea and fried chicken. 很多年轻人都喜欢喝奶茶。 hěn duō nián qīng rén dōu xǐ huān hē nǎi chá 。 Many young people like to drink milk tea. 下午上班很累的时候,喝一杯奶茶会很快乐。 xià wǔ shàng bān hěn lèi de shí hòu , hē yì bēi nǎi chá huì hěn kuài lè 。 When you are tired from work in the afternoon, drinking a cup of milk tea will make you happy. 不过奶茶有很多糖,喝多了会变胖哦。 bú guò nǎi chá yǒu hěn duō táng , hē duō le huì biàn pàng o 。 But milk tea has a lot of sugar, and drinking too much will make you fat.
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Yuli's Chinese Channel