1. 问候[wèn hòu] Greetings
1. 问候[wèn hòu] Greetings
7 de mar. de 2025 3:32
你好!nǐ hǎo !Hello! 您好! nín hǎo ! Hello! 早上好!zǎoshang hǎo! Good morning! 晚上好!wǎnshang hǎo!Good evening! 晚安! wǎn ān ! Good night! 好久不见,最近怎么样?hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn, zuìjìn zěnme yàng ? Long time no see, how have you been doing? 最近忙吗?zuìjìn máng ma?Are you busy recently? 最近忙什么呢?zuìjìn máng shénme ne ?What have you been doing recently? 你父母身体好吗? nǐ fùmǔ shēntǐ hǎo ma ?How are your parents? 代我向他们问好。dài wǒ xiàng tāmen wènhǎo. please give my best wishes to them. P.S: "您 nín" is use to show respect to elder people or those of higher status.
Canal de podcast
Say It Now! 想说就说[xiǎng shuō jiù shuō]