5 de octubre de 2022
🍂It's autumn now, but the weather seems weirder and weirder. 🔥It was 36 degrees in Taipei yesterday, it's like in summer, or should I say, the summer is hotter than before? Let's put our focus from politics into climate change today! And see what a bizarre weather in China! 🍂现在算进入秋天了,但天气真的越来越怪了。🔥昨天台北还有摄氏36度,简直跟夏天一样,或者我应该这么说,现在夏天比以前热得多? 今天我们把焦点从政治转移到气候变化上吧!来看看中国奇怪的天气现象! 南北两重天!中央气象台寒潮和高温预警首次同时发布 生词: 九重天 Nine Heavens 中央 central 氣象台/气象台weather station 寒潮 cold wave 預警/预警 early warning 来源: https://view.inews.qq.com/a/20221002A05AYJ00?refer=wx_hot&ft=0
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