高考 College entrance examination (Intermediate and advanced level)
1 de julio de 2022
1 de julio de 2022
高考 College entrance examination (Intermediate and advanced level)
In this episode we will talk about 【college entrance examination】, you will learn how to say 【Ministry of Education,ardent expectation】 ect.
It is recommended that you study in the following ways:
1st time: listen without looking at the text.
2nd time: look at the text and write down the new words, later look up the dictionary.
3rd time: listen again without looking at the text.
4th time: repeat after it without looking at the text.
第二个原因是寓意。中国传统有很多民俗的讲究,比如6寓意六六大顺,也就是“一切都很顺利”。8和“发”谐音,意思是“发财 make a fortune”。6、7、8连着读,听起来像“录取吧”,这是大家对考生们的殷切期盼,也是大家的深深祝福。有的地方高考的考试时间还不止2天,有的地区9号也要考试,就是说6月7号到6月9号考三天,而9更是意味着长长久久,希望学子们都能永远通过上大学来拥有长久的发展。
统一 tǒng yī unify
气象局 qì xiàng jú Bureau of Meteorology
教育部 jiào yù bù Ministry of Education
省会级城市 shěng huì jí chéng shì provincial capital city
寓意 yù yì implied meaning
民俗 mín sú folk-custom
讲究 jiǎng jiū be particular about
六六大顺 liù liù dà shùn everything goes smoothly
谐音 xié yīn homophonic
录取 lù qǔ admission
殷切期盼 yīn qiè qī pàn ardent expectation
长久 cháng jiǔ long-term