Executive Coach Shares Surprising Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview
Executive Coach Shares Surprising Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview
13 de junio de 2022
I invite you to tune in to hear the rest of my conversation with Executive Coach Terri Creeden! In the last episode, Terri talked about authenticity and vulnerability and how they can help people get a job and build meaningful relationships in the workplace. This time, we talk about being authentic in an interview and hear two stories about women who leaned into vulnerability and authenticity and how it helped them in their careers. Here’s an excerpt from our conversation: You're never gonna have it all, right? So she went (into the job interview) and said, “This is who I am. This is what I do. You can look at my track record. This is what I've done in the past. I love doing it, and I am the right person for this job.” And she got it! Episode originally published November 3, 2021 Original theme music by Lucas Knutter Read the transcript at https://www.express-to-impress.com/stand-out-in-a-job-interview/ Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/express-to-impress/. Please take a minute to rate and review the podcast. To access my 5-Step Job Interview Preparation Checklist visit express-to-impress.com. To visit Terri’s website, visit creedencoaching.com.
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