Timer the Hourglass
Timer the Hourglass
30 de marzo de 2022
In this story, an hourglass named Timer comes alive and is able to time travel. This is Part 5 of 6. Waking up at 5am, his most precious time of day when his genius flows like a mighty waterfall, Henry looked out his laboratory window and saw a magic moment: a baby chick was hatching from its egg. This was a sign, today Henry would complete his greatest invention. It looked like a simple household object, fairly inconspicuous, except for its futuristic black appearance. It had two chambers, one on the top and one on the bottom; the bottom was filled with yellow sand. They were connected by a narrow passage in which the sand flowed through. If an ordinary person had seen it, they would have believed it was an ordinary hourglass. But there was nothing ordinary about this hourglass. It was Henry’s latest attempt at engineering a time machine. Henry poured the remaining yellow sand into the top chamber and watched it fall to the bottom. He then tightly attached its cap. Taking a step back, Henry was overwhelmed with both exhilaration and trepidation. At that moment, a strong gust of wind came in through an open-window and scattered several documents across the floor. Henry flipped the hourglass and watched the yellow grains of sand travel through the narrow passage. As they hit the bottom, the grains changed to dark red. Henry looked out the window and saw the proud rising sun, a symbol of a new day. He watched as it slowly went back behind the mountains. He watched as the scattered documents flew up onto his desk and organized themselves as they previous were. He saw the baby chick return to its egg and the egg reassembled itself. Finally, the last grain of sand hit the bottom. Henry had traveled thirty minutes back in time.
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