Money-related idioms:
Money-related idioms:
23 de junio de 2023
a. Penny-pincher - Someone who is overly frugal or tight with money. Example: "He's such a penny-pincher; he never spends money on anything unnecessary." b. Break the bank - To spend a large amount of money, often beyond one's means. Example: "Buying a luxury car would break the bank for me." c. Cash cow - A source of consistent and significant income or profit. Example: "Their latest product has become a cash cow for the company." d. Money talks - The power and influence that money can have. Example: "In the business world, money talks, and it can open doors." e. Tighten the belt - To reduce expenses or live more frugally. Example: "With the unexpected expenses, we'll have to tighten our belt for a while."
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