17. A legendary Korean superhero, Woochi (한국형 슈퍼히어로 전우치)
17. A legendary Korean superhero, Woochi (한국형 슈퍼히어로 전우치)
14 de marzo de 2022
“Hey, Peter Parker! Harry Potter! Let’s have some fun with me! 😎” *가장 유쾌하고 재미있는 한국형 슈퍼 히어로 등장!* *꽃미남 전우치랑 한 번 놀아볼까!* Here is the wizard who used to be a superhero 500 years ago. And now, he’s back! For a perilous reason, he jumped into modern society in Korea. What happened? ‘What is he gonna do?’ Even god has no idea what’s he gonna do!! So unpredictable, so hilarious!
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