Ep.5 Nintendo Switch - JOYSOUND
Ep.5 Nintendo Switch - JOYSOUND
28 de marzo de 2022
みんなはカラオケ好き?私はすっごい好きなんだけど、コロナで友だちに会えないから、全然カラオケにいけないんだよね。でもヒトカラ(=ひとりカラオケ)する勇気ないし…そしたら、switchの「JOYSOUND」を見つけたの!これは家でカラオケができるソフトなんだけど、ソフト自体は無料で自分が使いたい時間だけをチケットで買うっていうものなの。 Do you guys like karaoke? I like it a lot, but I can't go to karaoke at all because I can't see my friends at COVID‑19. But I don't dare to do karaoke alone... Then I found "JOYSOUND" for the Nintendo Switch! The software itself is free, and you buy a ticket for the time you want to use it. 早速使おうと思って、マイク買っちゃった!でも近所迷惑になっちゃうから、マイクにつける防音のやつも買ったよ。これをつけると、隣の部屋にも聞こえないし、大きい声も出せて本当にスッキリするよ。残念なのはカラオケに行ったらPVがあるんだけど、このswitchのほうにはPVがないことかな~。私は好きな歌手のPVを見ながら歌うのが好きだからちょっとそこが物足りないかな。でも、好きな時間に好きなだけ歌えるし、本当これはいい! I bought a microphone to use it right away! But it would disturb the neighbors, so I also bought a soundproofing kit to attach to the microphone. With this, I can't be heard in the next room, and I can speak louder, so it's really refreshing. Unfortunately, the switch doesn't have any music videos, which is a pity because karaoke places have them. I like to sing while watching the music videos of my favorite singers, so I think that's a little lacking. But I can sing whenever I want and for as long as I want. 曲も15万曲あって、毎月新曲が追加されてるらしいから、歌いたい歌はだいたい見つかると思うよ。ちなみに、私が最近好きな歌手は「FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE(ファンタスティックス・フロム・エグザイル・トライブ)」っていうグループで、この前新曲だしたからその配信を待ってるところだよ。よかったら聞いてみてね! There are 150,000 songs, and new songs are added every month, so I think you can find almost any song you want to sing. By the way, my new favorite singer is a group called "FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE," and I'm waiting for them to release a new song. You can listen to it if you like! 🌟My courses and schedule https://www.italki.com/teacher/7661858/japanese
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