Little Ball the Octopus Ball
Little Ball the Octopus Ball
30 de agosto de 2022
This story is made from '2000 most common words in English' The owner spoke, as if he was a host on a TV cooking show. “Both these dishes are mighty fine, and soon it will be revealed which will take the title of World’s Best Main Meal.” The owner prepared his chopsticks and reached to pick up Little Ball. But then, a mysterious noise sounded, a kind of ring-ring. “Ugh, what is it now?” groaned the owner as he returned to the living room. Little Ball turned to the serving of shredded, dried kelp. “Did you hear that? World’s Best! That’s us. You’ve got no chance at winning the title.” Dried Kelp, who hadn’t made a sound or a movement until now, slowly came to life and said, “Whatever, dude, titles are for books…” Little Ball whispered to its 5-piece family, “Pfffft, did you hear that? I know Dried Kelp secretly wants the title and we can’t let it win. If it does, then the owner will look down on us, and shame us, and never buy us ever again. We will bring shame to all the unborn octopus balls. No. I won’t allow it. Dried Kelp is the side dish and we’re the main dish.” Raising its voice to an intimidating roar, Little Ball, with all of its power, said, “We’re six large balls, but you’re only a few dozen little strips. Good luck beating us!” Dried Kelp took a moment to think. “It’s not the amount of pieces that’s important; It’s the owner’s experience that truly matters.” Little Ball was confused. Did Dried Kelp just prove my point? We’re less in numbers, but far superior, thought the bite-sized mashed octopus ball. “Exactly, pieces don’t matter—it’s about flavor! And you’re bland!” Dried Kelp seemed insulted, or so Little Ball thought.
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