朝三暮四[zhāo sān mù sì]
朝三暮四[zhāo sān mù sì]
17 de enero de 2024
朝三暮四[zhāo sān mù sì]:morning/three/evening/four,to offer three in the morning and four in the evening 宋国 Sòngguó:Song state:a state in the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) in Chinese history 板栗 bǎn lì:chestnut (n.) 宁愿 nìng yuàn:would;rather;better 口粮 kǒu liáng:ration 限制 xiàn zhì:limite;confine 食量 shí liàng:capacity for eating; appetite 顺从 shùn cóng:be obedient to; yield to 哄骗 hǒng piàn: cheat;humbug;deceive The idiom originally means to fool others by playing tricks. It later extends to mean changing one's mind frequently or not being responsible.
Canal de podcast
乐读中文 (Lè Dú Zhōngwén) - "Joyful Chinese Stories"