Keoi5 hai6 ngo5 ma4ma1  佢  係   我  妈妈 She is my mother
Keoi5 hai6 ngo5 ma4ma1 佢 係 我 妈妈 She is my mother
4 de marzo de 2024
Keoi5 hai6 ngo5 ma4ma1 佢 係 我 妈妈 Dialogue: Can4 lai6: Daai6 wai6, zou2 san4! Keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3? 陈丽: 大 卫, 早 晨! 佢 係 边 个? Good morning, David! Who is she? Daai6 wai6: Zou2 san4, keoi5 hai6 ngo5 ma4ma1. 大 卫: 早 晨,佢 係 我 妈妈。 Good morning. She is my mother. Can4 lai6: keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3? 陈丽: 佢 係 边 个? Who is he? Daai6 wi6: keoi5 hai6 ngo5 ba4ba1. 大卫: 佢 係 我 爸爸。 He is my father. Can4 lai6: Nei5 ba4ba1 tung4 ma4ma1 dou1 hai6 ji1sang1? 陈丽: 你 爸爸 同 妈妈 都 係 医生? Both your father and mother are doctors? Daai6 wai6: Ngo5 ba4ba1 hai6 ji1sang1, ngo5 ma4ma1 hai6 wu6 si6. 大卫: 我 爸爸 係 医生, 我 妈妈 係 护 士。 My father is a doctor, and my mother is a nurse. Words: 1. keoi5: 佢 indicate the third party (he/she/it) 2. bin1 go3: 边个 who 3. ji1 sang1: 医生 doctor 4. tung4: 同 and; with 5. dou1: 都 also;too 6. wu6 si6: 护士 nurse 7. lou5 si1: 老师 teacher 8. hok6 sang1: 学生 student 9. fuk6 mou6 jyun4: 服务员 waiter/waitress/attendant 10. ging1 lei5: 经理 manager
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Listening & Speaking (Cantonese)
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