Maroua El
Hello, my name maroua l'm 18years old , l'm from Algeria . I study 3 languages franch , Spanish and English , l love English a lot and l want to improve it . So , currently l have a good level at English l'm not excellent and not bad , but l'm good , l do some mistakes every day when l write , Although l have a lot of vocabulary but ldk l'm not better on writing .so l want a help .🥺
13 de nov. de 2020 17:51
Correcciones · 2
Hello, my name maroua l'm 18 years old. l'm from Algeria . I study 3 languages French , Spanish and English. l love English a lot and l want to improve it . So , currently l have a good level in English; l'm not excellent and not bad , but l'm good , l make some mistakes every day when l write , Although l have a lot of vocabulary but ldk l'm not as good at writing, so l need help .🥺
Nice job! I'm impressed you're studying three languages.
16 de noviembre de 2020
Hello, my name maroua l'm 18years old , l'm from Algeria . I study 3 languages franch , Spanish and English , l love English a lot and l want to improve it . So , currently l have a good level at English l'm not excellent and not bad , but l'm good , l do some mistakes every day when l write , Although l have a lot of vocabulary but ldk l'm not better on writing .so l want a help .🥺
13 de noviembre de 2020
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