This is my first time to use this app and I and I want to use this app to learn English and talk with foreigners. I will share about the knowledge about Chinese medicines to friend from the other countries so come enjoy with me.
5 de dic. de 2024 10:32
Correcciones · 7
This is my first time to use this app and I and I want to use this app to learn English and talk with foreigners. I will share about the knowledge about Chinese medicines to friend from the other countries so come enjoy with me.
We can help each other
6 de dic. de 2024 16:43
This is my first time to use this app and I want to use this app to learn English and talk with foreigners. I will share about the knowledge about Chinese medicines to friend from the other countries so come enjoy with me.
5 de dic. de 2024 21:58
This is my first time using this app. I want to use this app to learn English and talk with foreigners. I will share my knowledge about Chinese medicine to friends from other countries; so come enjoy it with me!
Not bad at all, mate! Grammar is the hardest part of English but you have a really solid foundation already!
5 de dic. de 2024 16:32
This is my first time to use this app and I want to learn English and talk with foreigners. I will share knowledge about Chinese medicines to friend from the other countries so come enjoy with me.
5 de dic. de 2024 14:33
This is the first time I use this app and I want to use it to learn English and talk with/to foreigners. I will share knowledge about Chinese medicines with friends from other countries, so come and enjoy a talk /conversation with me.
5 de dic. de 2024 11:12
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