Paloma Carbajal
I feel most proud of the food and the music of my country. We have so many delicious dishes, that sometimes when I'm eating I think "If in some time in my life I decide to live abroad I'm going to miss this so much" hahaha. Also, our music is so beautiful that erytime I hear a song from Eva Ayllon, a well-known peruvian creol singer, I feel goosebumps.
16 de jun. de 2021 4:26
Correcciones · 3
I feel most proud of the food and the music of my country. We have so many delicious dishes, that sometimes when I'm eating I think "If in some time in my life I decide to live abroad I'm going to miss this so much" hahaha. Also, our music is so beautiful that every time I hear a song from Eva Ayllon, a well-known peruvian creol singer, I feel goosebumps.
Great! Very few errors. I love Peruvian cuisine, the rich history and culture and the breathtaking landscapes. I hope I can visit one day 😊
16 de junio de 2021
I feel most proud of the food and the music of my country. We have so many delicious dishes, that sometimes when I'm eating I think "If at some point I decide to live abroad I'm going to miss this so much" hahaha. Also, our music is so beautiful that everytime I hear a song from Eva Ayllon, a well-known peruvian creole singer, I feel goosebumps.
Qué rico
16 de junio de 2021
I feel most proud of the food and music of my country. We have so many delicious dishes, that sometimes when I'm eating I think "If in some time in my life I decide to live abroad I'm going to miss this so much", hahaha. Also, our music is so beautiful that every time I hear a song from Eva Ayllon, a well-known Peruvian Creole singer, I feel goosebumps.
16 de junio de 2021
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