Which sentences are correct? 1. The nurse put me on IV 2. The nurse put me under drip 3. The nurse hooked me up to IV?
28 de dic. de 2020 19:36
Respuestas · 3
Which sentences are correct? 1. The nurse put me on IV 2. The nurse put me under drip 3. The nurse hooked me up to IV? none, of these is correct (sorry! 😉). in english we would say: “the nurse hooked me up to AN IV.” you need “an” in front of IV. but if we we’re telling someone about our experience in the hospital we would just say: “they gave me IV fluids” or something like that. good question though. 😉 👍🏽
28 de diciembre de 2020
28 de diciembre de 2020
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