人家偶尔说,生命蛮神秘的。由于我一开始简单地觉得生命基本一定很奇怪我不太信很神秘,只是我自己遇到了太神秘的情况之后我才能发现了人家说得对。这些个情况一下我无法能力去解释,才能跟中国人说一样就是缘分。 我是个理性人并且即使随机性也许能解释经验的一部分,我发现了有时候我不需要了解一切,然而简单的必须接受。假设理性是为了了解自己的话,那么爱情的目的就是让你了解对方的世界。 I'm a rational person and even though randomness may explain part of the experience, I've found that sometimes I don't need to know everything, but simply have to accept it. Assuming that rationality is about understanding yourself, then the purpose of love is for you to understand the other person's world. 但是进入另一个世界的要求就是我们先接受了缺乏理解,由于我们缺乏理解的时候我们也会去继续问疑问,然后得到了足够答案之后我们的理解变成一种深刻的关爱。我们发现了那个其他世界这么极端美好的,意味着我们自己的世界其实缺乏重要的特质,缺少一个最重要的一部分。相似春天缺乏美丽的太阳。 But the requirement to enter the other world is that we first accept a lack of understanding, and because of our lack of understanding we also go on asking questions, and then after getting enough answers our understanding becomes a deep caring. The fact that we have found that other world so extremely beautiful means that our own world actually lacks important qualities, lacks one of the most important parts. Similar to the lack of a beautiful sun in spring. 一个关爱的关系因此是让两个世界越来越接近,好像两个在天上的星星一样,所以从两个世界能看待对方的美丽。不论能不能看到每一个方面,我们互相相信,因此结果就是缘分和生命的关键:先接受你不了解同时你愿意一直听着生命神秘的暗号。 A caring relationship is therefore one that brings the two worlds closer together, as if they were two stars in the sky, so that from both worlds the beauty of the other can be seen. Whether we can see every aspect or not, we believe in each other, and therefore the result is the key to destiny and life: accept first that you do not know and at the same time that you are willing to keep listening to the mysterious signs in life.
6 de sep. de 2024 0:57
Correcciones · 1
人家偶尔说,生命蛮神秘的。由于我一开始简单地觉得生命基本都很奇怪,但是我不太信这很神秘,只是我自己遇到了太神秘的情况之后我才发现了人家说得对。这些个别情况下我没有能力去解释,所以才跟中国人说这就是缘分。 我是个理性的人并且即使随机性也许能解释经验的一部分,我发现了有时候我不需要了解一切,不过必须简单地去接受它。假设理性是为了了解自己的话,那么爱情的目的就是让你了解对方的世界。 I'm a rational person and even though randomness may explain part of the experience, I've found that sometimes I don't need to know everything, but simply have to accept it. Assuming that rationality is about understanding yourself, then the purpose of love is for you to understand the other person's world. 但是进入另一个世界的要求就是我们先接受缺乏理解的人,由于我们缺乏理解的时候我们也会去继续问自己的疑问,然后得到了足够答案之后我们的理解变成一种深刻的关爱。我们发现了其他世界这么极端美好的,意味着我们自己的世界其实缺乏重要的特质,缺少一个最重要的一部分。相似春天缺乏美丽的太阳。 But the requirement to enter the other world is that we first accept a lack of understanding, and because of our lack of understanding we also go on asking questions, and then after getting enough answers our understanding becomes a deep caring. The fact that we have found that other world so extremely beautiful means that our own world actually lacks important qualities, lacks one of the most important parts. Similar to the lack of a beautiful sun in spring. 一个关爱的关系因此是让两个世界越来越接近,好像两个在天上的星星一样,所以从两个世界能看待对方的美丽。不论能不能看到每一个方面,我们互相相信,因此结果就是缘分和生命的关键:先接受你不了解同时你愿意一直听着生命神秘的暗号。 A caring relationship is therefore one that brings the two worlds closer together, as if they were two stars in the sky, so that from both worlds the beauty of the other can be seen. Whether we can see every aspect or not, we believe in each other, and therefore the result is the key to destiny and life: accept first that you do not know and at the same time that you are willing to keep listening to the mysterious signs in life.
12 de sep. de 2024 2:24
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