1.I felt a pang of envy when recalled her beauty and mature personality. 2.They looked with envy at her close family. 3.Her classmates were green with envy. 4.I couldn't conceal my envy of her. 5.I envy her beauty and mature personality. 6.I envy you good looks. 7.I envy you having such close family. 8.I don't envy you that bad job. 9.I don't envy you being a teacher.
4 de dic. de 2024 14:21
Correcciones · 2
1.I felt a pang of envy when recalling her beauty and mature personality. 2.They looked with envy at her close family. 3.Her classmates were green with envy. 4.I couldn't conceal my envy of her. 5.I envy her beauty and mature personality. 6.I envy your good looks. 7.I envy you having such close family. 8.I don't envy you that bad job. 9.I don't envy you being a teacher. Well done Vara. You use the word well. Many students will envy your good English. And number 9 is so true too lol 🤣
4 de dic. de 2024 14:47
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