Hello, I am coming back to learning English again. After 9 month preparation of accounting exam, I finally took them on 7th september, and I cant wait to know the results in late october. I passed BEC last December, and now I am eager to get better in English. I am not that young, people often say that it's late to spend so much time and enegry on stuyding, they think on this stage of my life, I should focus on work and family. I am really regret that I didnt study hard when I was at senior school, but also feel lucky that in my 30s, I start realizing how important to keep learning new things. Most importantly, I have build the good habit, and feel really bad when I waste time on useless vidos. keep learning, get better!
11 de sep. de 2024 6:25
Correcciones · 6
Hello, I am coming back to learning English again. After 9 months of preparation of my accounting exam, I finally took it on 7th September, and I can't wait to know the results in late October. I passed BEC last December, and now I am eager to get better in English. I am not that young and people often say that it's late to spend so much time and energy on studying and that at this stage of my life, I should focus on work and family. I really regret that I didn't study hard when I was in senior school, but I also feel lucky that in my 30s, I'm starting to realize how important it is to keep learning new things. Most importantly, I have adopted good habits and feel really bad when I waste time watching useless videos. Keep learning, get better!
Glad to see you back Ann, all the best to you.
11 de sep. de 2024 8:16
Hello, I have decided to study English once again. I finally completed my Accounting exams on 7th September after nine months of preparation and now look forward to the results in late October. I passed BEC last December, and now I am eager to improve my English. Since I am not so young, people often say that it's late in life for me to spend so much time and energy on studies. They think in [or "at"] my stage of my life, one should focus on work and family. I really regret that I didn't study harder when I was at Senior School [what's "Senior School"?], but I also feel lucky in my 30s to have come to realize the importance of continuous learning. Most importantly, I have built good habits, and feel bad when I waste time on useless videos. keep learning, get better! Ann, most of the changes I made are intended to improve style rather than to correct mistakes. I feel that you use too many present participles when active verbs would be better. Present participles ("coming", "learning", "realizing") look like verbs but they do not act as verbs. They are not wrong, but they do have the tendency to push good verbs out of your sentences, and that is not desirable because verbs are the most important words in English sentences. The overuse of participles is especially common among Chinese students of English. You can use AI chats to help you learn how to reduce your reliance on present participles. For example, you could type this into an AI chat: "Show me some ways to say " I am beginning to realize how important it is to keep learning new things" without using any present participles."
11 de sep. de 2024 11:02
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