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English students, try this!
I don’t think that she ……………………….
is coming
will come
161 han respondido
9 de sep. de 2024 9:31
Respuestas · 8
Both a and b are correct depending on context.
9 de sep. de 2024 11:30
I can't click on just ONE because TWO are correct. Am I supposed to click the one that is WRONG? I'll try clicking on the wrong one to see what happens.
10 de sep. de 2024 10:07
Is Coming and Will Come are both fine.
9 de sep. de 2024 16:47
Topic: future tense Both a and b are correct, it depends on the tense been used.
9 de sep. de 2024 11:26
No. Clicking the one wrong one tells me I am wrong (perhaps obviously!). But I don't seem to be able to click on the two that are right. How do you do this quiz question?
10 de sep. de 2024 10:11
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