Filip Barac
Tutor de la comunidad
English idioms
"Hit the sack" What does it mean?
Boxing practice
Go to sleep
Getting fired
74 han respondido
11 de sep. de 2024 10:56
Respuestas · 7
And if you "hit the sack" during work hours, you'll likely "get sacked" (fired from your job).
11 de sep. de 2024 14:19
I'm tempted to click "boxing practice" because they've put one of those boxing punch bags in my gym, and it looks a helluva lot like a sack. And I hit it a few times. So, "I hit the sack!" Ho ho!
12 de sep. de 2024 9:20
Cheers mate
11 de sep. de 2024 14:20
11 de sep. de 2024 14:19
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