This a peach tree growing in the yard of my community. I happened to notice it reaping so many peaches when I walked dog passing by it . It surprised me so much that I can’t help myself to shoot it . If you observe it seriously, you can find there’s a special peach in the tree which is ugly and seems to have scars on it . But it still struggles to grow. This spirit aspired me . Furthermore it also reminded me of the similar peach tree grew in a pigsty in my hometown when I was a child. It only grew two big and red peaches every year for my brother and me. Whenever I reminisce it , I feel so happy
23 de jul. de 2023 23:32
Correcciones · 3
It reminded me of a similar peach tree that grew in a pigsty in my hometown when I was a kid. It only grew two big, red peaches every year for me and my brother. Whenever I think about it, I feel happy.
Do you feel so happy? Or do you feel nostalgic? Or does the memory make you smile?
24 de julio de 2023
This a peach tree growing in my neighborhood. I was out walking my dog and saw that it has so many peaches on it. It surprised me so much that I had to take a photo. If you look closely, you can see there’s a particularly ugly, scarred peach, but it's still growing. This spirit inspired me. It reminded me of a similar peach tree that grew in a pigsty in my hometown when I was a child. It only grew two big, red peaches every year for my brother and me. Whenever I think about it, I feel happy.
24 de julio de 2023
This a peach tree growing in the yard of my community. I happened to notice it reaping so many peaches when I walked [my] dog passing by it [delete "it{:] . It surprised me so much that I can’t help myself to shoot [a picture of] it . If you observe it seriously, you can find there’s a [delete "special", also special has positive connotation] special peach in the tree which is ugly and seems to have scars on it . But it still struggles to grow. This spirit aspired me . Furthermore it also reminded me of the similar peach tree [that] grew in a pigsty in my hometown when I was a child. It [delete "only"] only grew two big and red peaches every year for my brother and me. Whenever I reminisce [about] it , I feel so happy
24 de julio de 2023
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